We're never riding with Levi,Hanji,and Erwin again!

Start from the beginning

In a split second Hanji had gathered Eren up in their arms and Erwin snapped his eyes over to the smirking raven. When Erwin shot a scolding look towards him, Levi's smirk fell from his face.

" Moblit! Our baby has been crowned the princess! I'm going to cry! They grow up so fast!" The auburn haired person wailed out while squeezing Eren to their chest. Moblit sighed and walked over to them pulling Eren from their strong grasp.

" Section Commander, please behave yourself." The man asked. Hanjis eyes widened then glared at Moblit who realized what he said.

" I meant to ask last night. Why do you call them that?" Eren asked Moblit who started to stutter. But luckily Armin stepped in.

" It's a position in Levi's branch of their family business. All of us are used to calling them that during work hours." The short blond said ignoring the glare Levi and Hanji was giving the back of his head. Erwin scoffed and cuffed the back of both of their heads.

" Stop glaring at my boy friend" he demanded. He turned around, grabbed a set of keys off the wall and headed for the door.

" Now all of you get in the family SUV or get left behind." His two best friends threw curses at him while Armin, Moblit, and Eren followed obediently after.

Soon they were on the road heading to the mall. Erwin was driving with Levi sitting shotgun. Moblit sat by himself in the next row of seats. In the last row Hanji and Armin had Eren sandwiched between them as they all leaned over whispering. Moblit would turn around every so often to scold Hanji.

" So tell me tell me! When did Levi give you the necklace!" Hanji asked quietly. Armin shook his head in agreement.

" This morning. He said he had a present for me and put it on. I told him he shouldn't have given it to me. It's way to much." Eren signed out. Hanji rolled her eyes.

" Eren don't say that! You deserve so much just enjoy the gift." Armin said seriously.

" Did he happen to say anything about the necklace?" Hanji asked with narrowed eyes.

Eren shook his head " Not really, I know it's your all's family crest. He said it was a friendship necklace."

Hanjis eyes widened, they snapped their head up towards the front where Levi was sitting and glared heatedly. Hanji took off their shoe and threw it at the raven, hitting him in the back of the head. The shoe bounced off his head and hit Erwin causing him to swerve slightly.

" Levi you son a bitch! You didn't say anything to Eren! What's wrong with you!" The crazed person screamed.

" Are you fucking stupid Hanji! Don't throw shoes in the damn car!" Levi yelled back turning around to glare at his friend.

Hanji was now climbing over the seat trying to get to Levi. When they did they started hitting and smacking all around his head. Levi threw up his arms to protect his head as Moblit tried to pull them back away. Levi then unbuckled his seat belt and tried crawling over the center console grabbing and hitting Hanji as Hanji started hitting back.

" You fucking shit for brains asshole don't fucking hit me! Come here I'm gonna beat your ass!" The raven yelled.

" You deserve it dick head! Bring it on pretty boy, I'll mess your fucking face up!" Hanji screamed now pulling Levi's hair as Levi started hitting their rib cage.

Erwin was now swerving everywhere. The tall blond threw out his arm towards the back between the two and started swinging it blindly.

" Damnit you two dumbasses fucking stop! This is why I won't let you all ride together. I SAID FUCKING STOP!" The two were still fighting and Erwin only succeeded in smacking Moblit in the face.

" Shit sorry! Damit! Moblit grab Hanji and throw their Bitch ass in the back. Fucking Levi stop!" Erwin snatched Levi up by his hair and pulled him back up towards his seat and threw him against the door. Moblit had succeeded in throwing Hanji over his seat to the back with Eren and Armin who where holding on to the over head handles fearing for their life.

" I don't want to hear another fucking word out of you two for the rest of the drive or I'm throwing you out of this moving vehicle!" Erwin screamed looking in the rear view mirror at Hanji then to Levi. Both nodded then glared at each other.

" Wouldn't have been an issue if Levi hadn't with held information about some important stuff." Hanji said with a smirk. They looked at Erwin who was looking back in the mirror. Then realization flashed in Erwins eyes and he snapped them to Levi.

" Are you fucking serious Levi! I outta pull over and beat your ass too!" The blond yelled . Levi snapped his head back to Hanji and started trying to crawl to the back where they were. Moblit blocked his way as Erwin started pulling the raven back to the front by his shirt.

" You just wait you fucking snitch! I'll get your ass back!" Levi growled from his seat.

Hanji sat in the back with a smug look. Armin and Eren on either side looking confused and scared as hell. Erwin was shooting sharp glances to Levi every chance he got and Levi was angrily glaring at the smug auburn person. Moblit sat in the middle as a barrier waiting for an attack.

" I don't think I want to ride with Erwin, Hanji, and Levi anymore Armin." Eren said to his best friend.

" I agree Eren. Moblit next time the three of us can ride together." Moblit glanced back at the two and smiled.

" I think that's a fantastic fucking idea. At least they'll just end up killing each other and not us." The three laughed as the other three friends started complaining.

They were almost to the mall when Erwins phone went off.

" Levi answer that please I think it's E.J" (can you guess who it is 😉)  Levi nodded and answered the phone.

" Prince answering for Commander. Go ahead." Was the monotone reply.

" Hey Prince I've got an update on that target you and commander has had me following." There was a pause as the other took a drag of his cigarette. " I don't think you OR Kenny, are going to be happy."

Levi's silver eyes narrowed and he glanced over meeting Erwins eyes, who were now void of any emotion.

" Give us ten and us and MadS will conference." Levi said then hung up the phone. Hanji and Levi met eyes in the rear view mirror. The two other automaticity knew something was up.

Figured I'd leave you with a little cliff hanger for once 😜. But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I can't believe we're already up to 3k. You all are amazing. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please comment vote and tell me what you think.

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