Meeting Others

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~Belles pov~

I was out walking trying to figure out why the heck I remember things that haven't happened yet when I accidentally ran (like literally) into Hizaki in the gym and I instinctively flinched back and tried to protect myself which confused everyone "Belle what's wrong?" Akashi asked me and I looked to see their concerned faces "I probably startled her." Hizaki said 'even hes acting strange' I thought as i waved Hizakis hand away and got up. "Sorry I'm late!" I said with a bow and they all snorted to the side.

"you arent late Bellecchi." Kise said "we understand you have practice for the Audition." Akashi said and I was surprised 'before they tried to shut down my musical stuff.' I thought Akashi and Midorima glanced at each other "Midorima has decided to try out for the musical with you." Akashi said "Akashi I said id practice with her not try out you know I can't act." Midorima said pushing up his glasses 'wasnt Kise the one to always help me practice?' I thought as Aomine smiled brightly "now let's hear that song!" He said and everyone agreed while Nijimura smiled from the corner watching our antics. I sighed and took my sheet music from my bag and shifted nervously. "If you want one of us can sing with you." Nijimura said i shook my head "its fine." I said clearing my throat. "Now show them your singing Belle." Hizaki said as I started to sing.

After the song was done Hizaki and Nijimura sighed while Aomine had dropped his water bottle and Kise literally died from fanboying and crying while Akashi was surprised, Midorima was wide eyed, Murasakibara was falling asleep and I was so red it put Kagamis hair to shame. "That was amazing Belle but you looked sad." Kuroko said and I jumped in surprise "even back then I wasn't used to it." I muttered but I think he heard because he tilted his head in confusion "what do you mean?" He asked and I shook my head "I was meant to Kuroko, anyway ima go now!" I said gathering my stuff and the others nodded.

I left walking past a streetball court where I spotted a familiar boy who was known as Iron Heart 'Kiyoshi? I didnt know he came here.' I thought I saw he was with the future captions of Shutoku, Kaijo and Touou and Hanamiya who didnt do much but glare at the other 4. I walked over and watched until they inevitably noticed me standing there "oh hello wait a minute arent you that one female player in the middle school circuit?" Kasamatsu asked me and I nodded.

They each introduced themselves and I did the same "didnt think that girl existed to be honest." Hanamiya said as I walked to them sliding my notebook back into my bag but before I closed my bag Hanamiya grabbed my notebook "huh? Music?" He said as Kasamatsu sighed "give it back." He said and I shrugged "its fine honestly." I said as Kiyoshi looked excited to see me "you good?" I asked and he nodded "you just remind me of someone." He said 'of course I do you know me.' I thought deadpanning a moment before eventually taking my notebook from Hanamiya putting it in my bag and closing the bag.

"So Heart where do you go to middle school?" Kasamatsu asked and I turned to him after placing my bag down "Teiko Middle school." I said as they all spit out their waters "seriously?!" Kasamatsu exclaimed as Kiyoshi was excitedly jumping like a kid getting ice cream "well yeah I'm only in my second year so it's not too hard yet." I said as Touous captain pushed his glasses up.

"does that mean you know the Generation of Miracles?" He asked me and I nodded "I'm one of them." I said bluntly before I began to glance behind me and spotted Midorima who was approaching us "Belle? I thought you went home but instead you're here with... these people." He said putting a hand on my shoulder "oh yeah I saw them and I wanted to watch and we got talking." I said as he nodded giving the older boys a weary look before taking my hand "well we agreed to meet up at a Cafe tonight and I was on my way so let's go." He said as Kiyoshi quickly gave me a slip of paper with each of their numbers "oh thanks?" I said as I was dragged off.

Seirins Hero (MLB x KNB)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang