The Fifth Marauder - 16 Years Asleep

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Astrid woke up to the sounds of seagulls chirping the air.

They flocked around her, mistaking the girl's seaweed-covered clothes for food but flew away when the girl wearing said clothes began to more.

The damp sand wet on her cheek left marks on her skin as she got up, using her palms to steady herself.

Everything felt stiff, her muscles ached as she stretched in the hopes of relieving some of the tension in her joints.

Astrid could hear the roar of the ocean in front of her, but she couldn't remember how exactly she got here.

She ignored the pounding in her skull as she turned towards the pier squinting to read the sign perched on the ledge.

"Brighton beach." She muttered looking around; it was obviously summer, the warm sunbathing her skin, also the added fact that a couple metered away in the more sandy parts of the beach were families enjoying lovely beach days.

A couple shielded their children away from the possible drug addicts passed out a couple of meters away.

A name popped into Astrid's head, causing her to look around "Regulus!" She called out panic rising in her as she looked around for him.

Regulus woke up to the sound of someone calling his name, he stood up quickly recognising the voice.

"Astrid!" He shouted back trying to follow the sounds of her shouts as he walked.

"Merlin!" Astrid exclaimed before running into Regulus arms, "Why are we here?"

Regulus hugged her tighter; the memory of where they had been last becoming clear in his mind "We went to the cave to get the locket, I'm so sorry Astrid I should have never let you come with me."

"There was no way you were going without me." She said back, a wave of nostalgia washing over her as he held her in his arms.

When they finally let go of each other, a sudden realisation dawned on them.

"We've been in that cave for 16 years." Astrid said "16 years asleep."


Coming soon...

The Fifth Marauder - r.a.bWhere stories live. Discover now