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disclaimer: small panic attack, child abuse, and blood

This is a two part Christmas special (I know it's February but why not) so chapter 16 is coming out right after this


Under the strict instructions of Euphemia Potter, the group were to under no circumstance to wake up Regulus from his sleep.

This resulted in Regulus waking up at 11am the next day.

"Ah Reggie your up," Sirius said as the half asleep boy trudged into the Potters' living room "I had to bunk with Peter and Remus just so I don't wake up."

"Thanks," Regulus muttered, rubbing his eyes as he blinked the world into focus "Where is everyone?"

"Everyone's out helping Mr Potter to cut a Christmas tree outside," Sirius explained as Regulus sat down on the chair next to him "Mrs Potter suggested some of us wait here in case you wake up while we're gone. So it's just Astrid and I here."

"Astrid is here," Regulus said waking up at the sound of her name.

"Someone call me!" Astrid shouted from the kitchen as Regulus stood up quickly in search of something to cover his bare chest.

Sirius laughed as Regulus gave up defeated; Astrid walking into the living room.

"I didn't call you," Regulus muttered trying his best to look anywhere apart from her face.

"Oi Clawfoot, keep your eyes up and away from my brother's chest," Padfoot teased as a flustered Astrid gave him the finger before heading upstairs.

"Astrid really, there are children present." Sirius mock scolded trying his best to stifle his laughter.

"Your a dickhead you know that right?" Regulus asked throwing a pillow at his laughing brother.

"The one and fucking only." Sirius said smirk plastered on his face "Now put some bloody clothes on you git, we get it you probably work out."

Regulus gave Sirius the finger before storming upstairs and to his room.

As he passed through the hallway upstairs he caught a glimpse of Astrid changing into outside clothes.

"Reg." she called out as he stopped and walked back to the open door "You alright, you were out for a long time?"

Regulus nodded "I'm fine I was just tired."

"Oh ok, I'm just gonna pop out to see how the tree is coming along."Astrid explained as she pulled on her boots "Get dressed and come down in 15, we're going to decorate the tree."

Regulus watched as Astrid left her room and ran downstairs, the door slamming signalling her exit.


Casper and Violetta true to their word, spent most of their time trying to teach Tonks to control her powers.

The girl could now settle on any hair colour for up to an two hours, without any signs of fading.

Tonks had experimented with a bunch of colours, each brighter than the last, but she always found herself coming back to the traditional Violetta pink.

Since it was the 23rd, Ted Tonks was finally able to move back into his house for the holidays.

He half expected for Violetta and Casper to be gone by the time he got there, but to his surprise and Andromeda's the twins were playing with Dora when he walked in.

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