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⚠️// drugs, sexual assault themes, manipulation of minors (please take caution this chapter is dark)


August 6th 1973

"Astrid chérie viens c'est l'heure du petit déjeuner" Shouted Astrid's Mother in a mix of French and broken English from downstairs "You're going to be late for your dress fitting."

Astrid rushed down from her bedroom entering the patio where her family sat for breakfast on warm mornings.

The usual hot Marseille sun breaming down in them.

"Bonjour Maman, bonjour papa, bonjour Gia," Astrid said smiling as she sat down, ready to feast on the variety of breakfast foods Josephine had laid out for them.

"Bonjour Astrid," her sister said back smiling in excitement, "Do you know what day it is today?"

Astrid thought for a moment, enjoying watching Gia's excitement "Um is it the last day of school, oh wait that was two weeks ago." she teased.

Gia punched Astrid playfully before motioning to the birthday badge clasped on her shirt and the balloons behind her chair.

Astrid grinned "Joyeux anniversaire" she said hugging her "Happy 18th birthday Gia."

"Thanks, Astrid."

"So Gia, what do you have planned today?" Giovanni asked looking up from his morning paper.

"Not much, a couple of the girls want to go to this party, so I might go. I have nothing to wear though."

"absurdité, what about the seafoam green dress grandma gave you. You've only worn it once."

Gia shrugged, "Pauline said the theme of the party is purple and black."

"It's fine Gigi, we can always go shopping today, find you something nice to wear. Maman we can reschedule my dress fitting for tomorrow"

Gia looked at Astrid shocked, "Who are you and where did my little sister go to, never thought I would see the day Astrid Opal Winston would ever volunteer to go shopping with me."

Astrid rolled her eyes, "Just because you can't shop for shit."

Giovanni tutted, "Language."

"Sorry, papa. But honestly, you would think at 18 years old you would know how to shop. Maman, are you going to come with us."

"Wish I could dear but your Papa and I have a gala to attend, very important. Held in England with the minister and Albus Dumbledore about boring grown-up stuff."

"It's fine Astrid, Josephine can take us. Right?"

Josephine shook her head, "Gâteau d'anniversaire won't bake itself."

"Ok so it's agreed Gia you'll take Astrid and go shopping. Remember to bring her home before dark I don't trust the people around here." Aubrey said before getting up giving each of her daughters a kiss and walking back inside the house.

"Ok short stuff, just let me get my shoes." Astrid said getting up, "Wait isn't that Maman's necklace?"

Gia brought a hand to the necklace, "Yeah she gave it to me, oldest and all."

"Looks cool on you." Astrid said before running back inside the house, "I'll only be a second."

"You've got one minute before I leave Astrid." Gia said standing up and hugging her father before walking to the door, "Come on."

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