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To say that the entirety of Tuesday nights dinner was awkward would be an understatement.

To avoid suspicion the four had sat in their usual spots with Remus and Sirius sat opposite each other and Astrid next to Remus.

Throughout the dinner, Remus kept looking at Sirius, who kept looking at Astrid, who kept looking at Marlene.

Their change in attitude didn't occur to any of their friends due to the fact, the entire dinner all James could talk about was the match tomorrow.

And in true matchday tradition, the marauders woke up at 5 am sharp and by 5:15 were seated on the bleachers by the quidditch field.

"I still can't believe he makes us get up at the absurd time," Remus muttered at another winter's breeze chilled their bones.

The group huddled closer together to keep warm as they watched their friend do another lap around the field.

James then landed smoothly and the bleacher beside the shivering group with a huge smile.

"A perfect day for a match isn't it," James said smiling as the wind blew the Gryffindor flag off its post. Magically the flag managed to fly back to its previous post.

"You must be bloody stupid if you think that this is a perfect day." Sirius said as he shoved his hands deeper into his pockets "You won't be saying that when you fly off your broom and break something."

A few drops of rain began to fall before all hell broke loose and the sky began to drop heavy rain on the group.

They all ran inside, failing to stay somewhat dry.

"Can we at least get breakfast before we have to go back out there?" Astrid asked as Sirius shook out his hair before tying it up. He gestured over to her and she passed him a hairband.

"Fine," James muttered, wringing water out of his sweater.

The group squelched over to the main hall, dripping water in their wake.

"Sirius, James, Remus, Peter and Astrid," McGonagall said as the group turned around to see their scowling teacher.

"Hey, Minnie," Sirius said raising a hand to wave at her, a turret of water streamed out of his leather jacket sleeve.

Minerva struggled to keep in her laughter as she turned to James "Mr Potter would you please care to explain why you and your friends are trailing water on my floors?"

"Well professor, I just wanted to get a couple of laps in before the match," James said running a hand through his wet hair.

McGonagall raised her wand, and with that, the group were magically dry.

"Thanks, Minnie." Sirius said letting his hair down back to its original state "Let's go."

The group ran through the hallway ignoring McGonagall's shouts for them to slow down, and they ended up being the first people in the main hall for breakfast.

This meant they had the entire table of breakfast food in front of them, all piping hot, fresh from the kitchen.

"Pass me the jam." Sirius called out as James threw the jar across the table "Cheers mate."

Astrid looked over at James who looked kind of pale "You nervous?" she asked as she gestured for him to pass his glasses.

He handed them to her whilst shaking his head "Nope, I know for sure we are going to beat them."

And at that moment the group heard the laughter of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team "You sure Potter?"  Callum called out as the rest of his team laughed harder.

The Fifth Marauder - r.a.bWhere stories live. Discover now