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3 days earlier

"Merlin, we've been looking for you two for ages." James huffed breathlessly he and the others finally found Astrid and Regulus, "Come on let's have dinner, I'm bloody starving."

"I'm not going back in that house," Astrid said shaking her head.

"Neither are we, that old bat kicked us out even though we were leaving anyway. Josephine gave us some food so what do you say, spaghetti on the beach." Sirius said holding up a giant pot, "Come on, I know you want some."

Astrid grinned, "Thought you would never ask."

James helped her up, linking her arm as they walked down to the beachfront.

"Come on you to Reg," Lily said walking down with him.

Marlene and Mary laid out a picnic blanket and Peter helped to set up some chairs so before long all of them were sat around a huge pot of spaghetti talking the night away.

"So did you even catch the frog?" Astrid laughed, "Like you went to all that trouble."

James laughed turning red, "Well, sort of. Yeah no we didn't catch the frog. But it's the journey that counts!"

"The journey almost got you killed by Mary and Lily." Marlene chuckled taking a swing of fire whiskey before passing the bottle to Mary.

"It was worth it though. Too bad the slimy little bastard got away."

"Enough about the frog, got shivers just thinking about it." Mary said shuddering, "So Astrid, what's the plan for tomorrow. I heard they have really nice shops about, and I'm dying to take a picture in front of the Effie tower to show to Mum."

"I want to see the planetarium." Peter said, "I heard they have an amazing one nearby."

"The quidditch museum." James said, "Obviously."

"Well, I really want to go swimming." Marlene said, "Is there a pool nearby we can go to."

"I mean there's an ocean right there." Astrid offered getting up, "Come on the water is usually warm."

James and Sirius looked at each other before pulling off their clothes and running into the ocean, cheering as they did so.

"Fuck it." Marlene said placing down her bottle before getting up and pulling off her clothes so she was left in her underwear, "Mary are you coming?"

Mary stood up grinning before running hand in hand with Marlene.

"Lily, don't make me carry you in." James shouted as Lily shook her head, "Come on, Astrid was right the waters brill."

Lily shook her head, "Not really looking to get wet. I-" Lily was cut off by James running towards her picking her up bridal style and running back into the sea.

Lily squealed as the waves soaked her clothes, "James! I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Astrid pulled off her t-shirt, the warm summer nights hair bathing her skin, "You coming Reg?"

Regulus shook his head, "I don't do swimming, not the biggest fan of water when it's that big. It's fine go in, I'm fine here."


"Wake up boy!" Orion boomed swinging open the bathroom door, he looked down at his son, "I said wake up!"

Regulus yelled as his Father swung his foot and hit his stomach. The kick knocked his breath out of him, leaving him light-headed and swaying, trying his best to keep his eyes open.

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