forty-four: face reality

Start from the beginning

I didn't want to find out but.. it was time to finally face the reality.


February 12

Jungkook's attempts to contact me became more and more sparse as time passed. I guess he accepted that I didn't want to talk yet. I admit, I sort of expected him to come to my apartment to speak to me but he didn't do that. He was respecting my desire for space at the time. It made me sad to think that he was probably hurting on his own again.

He texted me that Park Jimin and Min Yoongi were arrested and their accomplices were being investigated. Except for Kim Taehyung. Taehyung who I have a soft spot for. I think Jungkook does too which is why he let Taehyung go. I'll probably never really know their history but i'm betting it has to do with Ha-Yoon. Haven't heard about her in a while too.

I never replied to his messages so, I wondered if that was disheartening him.

I inhaled a puff of air, filling my lungs to it's full capacity. I was outside, near Yugn getting a cup of coffee and before I knew it, my feet took me up to Jungkook's office door. My mouth wasn't ready. I didn't have a script in my head— hell, I didn't even know what I felt about everything. Do I tell him that we need to end our relationship or do I give him another chance because surely, he'll have no more secrets to be revealed.

"Hi there Ms. Kim, how can I help you?" his secretary asked me with a polite smile.

"U-um, I'm here to speak with Jungk— President Jeon."  I sounded unsure of my own words which led to a slightly confused look on his secretary's face.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No but-"

"I'm so sorry but because Mr. Jeon has been incredibly busy preparing to supervise the U.S branch, he isn't accepting any visitors without appointments." the secretary said in an apologetic tone.

Preparing to...

"Wait, he's preparing to what?"  I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh, he hasn't informed you yet?"

I shake my head, heart cracking a little.

"Mr. Jeon is flying to the states this weekend because he suddenly decided to take charge of our U.S branch,"

That's why he hasn't been texting. He's been too busy packing.
He's leaving.

"Please, let me go in to speak to him."

"I really shouldn't, Ms. Kim... He said not to let anyone in. He's been in a terrible mood and—"

I stared at the large office doors with a longing stare and a frown. I was in disbelief that he was going to leave without even telling me. I had to talk to Jungkook.

I flashed the secretary an apologetic look before shoving him lightly and lunging at the door. He grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "Miss! You can't go—"

"Jungkook!" I yelled, trying to break free from the secretary's grasp.

I successfully slipped away and quickly pushed the heavy doors open, running into the large office. I calmed down when my eyes met his dark ones. He was sitting at his desk with a file in his hand, his hair slightly disheveled and his tie crooked.

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