The Pink Panther

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"George, no! Stop it!" Addilyn said as she squirmed on the floor, attempting to get out of George's grip.

"Never!" George yelled.

Addilyn was being attacked by George. This had become a normal thing though, ever since George figured out Addilyn was ticklish.

"If you don't stop I'm not giving you any kisses for a week!" Addilyn said.

George froze, looked Addilyn up and down, and then left kisses on every square inch of her face.

"I said no more until you stop!" Addilyn said, smiling from ear to ear.

"No, you said that you wouldn't give me kisses. You never said I couldn't give you any." George said.

Addilyn laughed, pushing George off of her and standing up.

"Fine, but since I stopped. Can I get a kiss? Right here?" George said as he pointed to his cheek.

"You're so lucky you're cute." Addilyn said.

She stood on her tiptoes, reaching Georges cheek and kissing him shortly.

All of a sudden, the front door opened quickly.

"Addilyn, you're coming with us?" Moody said.

"For what?" Addilyn said.

"We need to go rescue Potter." Moody told her.

"Rescue? What happened?" Addilyn asked.

"The bloody boy used a patronus charm in front of a muggle." Moody said.

"Who all is going?" Addilyn asked.

"If you're worried about being stuck with this git, you won't be. I'm going to." Tonks said, walking out from behind Moody.

"Tonks!" Addilyn said.

Tonks and Addilyn had gotten quite close over the summer, considering Addilyn was living at headquarters and Tonks was there almost every day.

"Hey mini-me." Tonks said.

Addilyn hugged Tonks, smiling at her when she did.

"I missed you, thought you abandoned me." Addilyn joked.

"I've only been gone for two weeks, Addilyn." Tonks said with a fake eye roll.

Tonks was like the older sister Addilyn never had, and she hoped she would be around forever.

"All very sweet, now let's get going." Moody said.

Addilyn and Tonks both rolled their eyes, laughing at each other as Moody growled at them.

"I'll be back soon." Addilyn said to George.

"You better be careful." George told her.

"You know I always am." Addilyn said.

As they walked out into the cold air, Addilyn took a deep breath in and smiled.

"Now, Addilyn, our part in this plan is to convince that awful muggle family of Harry's to leave the house." Tonks said.

"And how do we plan on doing that?" Addilyn said.

"Well, they're quite gullible, so I plan on telling that they won a best-kept lawn award, and they have to claim it." Tonks said.

"Tonks, no offense, but you do realize how stupid that sounds? I'm not sure it'll work." Addilyn said.

"Okay, my attitude radar is going off." Tonks said.

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