The Final Battle

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"So, what are you saying?"

"Addilyn, I'm saying that until this war is over, I think that it would be best if we didn't see or talk to each other, just so that if anything does happen, we won't be as devastated." George looked unsure of his words, tilting his head away from Addilyn as well as not making eye contact.

"So you're saying we break up, and if we happen to live through the war, get back together?"

"Potentially, yes."

"Potentially? No. Nope. Do you know how stupid that sounds George?"

"It isn't stupid, Addilyn. It's common sense. Let's say you die during the battle. A death eater kills you without a second thought. When I find out about it, it'll be easier to receive the news if we aren't together." George was talking in a calm tone, almost dreamy like.

"So you think, just because we break up, our feelings won't remain the same?"

"No, I don't think so."

With a shove to move George out of the way, Addilyn opened the door.

"You are unbelievable, George Weasley. Unbelievable."

As Addilyn opened the door to enter the hallway, she was hit with something but she couldn't tell what it was.

As she sat up in a cold sweat, she looked around the room to see the dark occupying it completely. When she turned to her right George was stirring in his sleep. She placed her hand on her forehead, wiping down her sweaty face as she quietly groaned. She took a deep breath in and decided it would be best to get a drink of water, then attempt to go back to sleep.

"These bloody dreams." Addilyn said just below a whisper.

"What was that, love?" George groaned.

"Oh nothing, go back to sleep it's okay." She smiled.


After a not so good-night sleep, Addilyn and the rest were ready to go to Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts. Getting there was the easiest part of their mission. As Addilyn, George, Harry, and the goblin all hid under the invisibility cloak, Ron was disguised as someone else and Hermione was disguised as Bellatrix.

Opening the door to the bank, the group seemed to go unnoticed by any of the goblins.

Reaching the end of the hall, still unnoticed, Hermione cleared her throat. Still, to no avail, came no response.

"I would like to enter my vault." Hermione blatantly stated.

"Identification?" the goblin at the counter sneered.

"I hardly think that is necessary." she spat back.

The goblin looked up from his paperwork, and glared over his glasses. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of who he thought was Bellatrix.

"Miss Lestrange." the goblin said. He slid off of his high stool, walking back to the head banker.

"Miss Lestrange, we need to see your wand." he croaked out.

"They know. They know she's an impostor." Griphook whispered to Harry.

After a few more seconds of bickering between Hermione and the Goblin, Addilyn made everyone else under the cloak walk with her to the side of the desk.


The goblin lifted his head, breathing in the curse put onto him.

"Right this way, ma'am."

Built On Lies ; g. weasleyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα