Decisions Decisions

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"Shouldn't the sorting hat be telling me that?" Addilyn asked. She didn't know how the sorting ceremony at Hogwarts went, but she sure as hell wasn't expecting it to be like this. "Why was Adrians so easy? Why wasn't mine like his?" Addilyn said. "The sorting hat, Miss Rose, couldn't decide. I'm afraid the decision has fallen into your hands. We will give you a month and then you can decide for yourself. For now you will be staying in gryffindor house. I can tell the Weasleys are quite fond of you so I figure this will make the process smoother. This does not mean you have to choose gryffindor, it is just a temporary placement." Dumbledore said before walking out of the office without another word. "Miss Rose, Ill have your belongings brought up to your dorm. You may proceed back to the dining hall whenever you wish. Take as long as you need." Mcgonagall said as she squeezed Addilyns shoulders and walked out as well. Addilyn didn't have to think too much about her decision. She should pick slytherin right? I mean Adrian was there and so was...well, the one person she felt she could confide in besides Adrian. She still had a month to choose and she wasn't going to choose until she was absolutely sure. She decided it would be best to spend time with each house and decide which ones were most like herself.

As she walked out to the great hall, everyone was staring at her. "Students! You're attention should remain up here!" Mcgonagall said. Addilyn moved herself over to the gryffindor table, trying to avoid all the stares she was getting. She looked for someone familiar when she saw a certain redhead smiling at her. They locked eyes and she smiled back. She walked over to him and sat between him and Fred. "What happened? Are you alright?" George asked her. His tone laced with concern. "What, worried about me George?" Addilyn winked at him and put food on her plate. George scoffed jokingly and smiled at her. Addilyn started eating her mashed potatoes, but then she heard Fred and George whispering about something. She decided to brush it off and ask about it later. But, of course her instincts got the best of her and she started listening in. What she heard made her blush and next thing she knew she had an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach. Butterflies? No. Addilyn Rose doesn't obsess over boys. Maybe the mashed potatoes weren't settling with her stomach. Next thing she knew she was getting tapped on the shoulder by none other than Fred Weasley.

"Hey Addilyn! My brother George here-" Addilyn started laughing when George slapped a hand across Fred's mouth. "Was just telling Freddie here that I'm excited you're in our house." George smiled then turned and sent a look to Fred. If looks could kill, Fred would've rolled over in his grave twice by now. "Actually.." Addilyn began talking, gaining George and Fred's attention. "I'm not in a house yet. I'm just with gryffindor for the next month until I decide." Addilyn said. She shrugged and went to eat some green beans. "Decide?" Fred and George said together. "You guys really have to stop doing that." Addilyn said smiling a little. "Neva'" they said together again. Addilyn sent a playful glare their way. "Anyways, yes. I have to decide which house I want to be in. I figured that was normal because your whole family is in gryffindor." Addilyn told them. "No, it just runs in the family." Fred said. "So, which house are you gonna pick? Better be gryffindor!" George said. "I don't know yet. I'd rather not be stuck with you two for the next 4 years." Addilyn said jokingly. "Hey!" They said. They both faked being hurt by that statement. "Oh stop it you two." Addilyn said rolling her eyes as she smiled brightly at the two. To be truthful, she wouldn't mind being stuck with the two. She could already tell she trusted them both. "So, persuade me boys, what's so good about being in gryffindor anyways?" Addilyn asked them, turning so she was facing them completely. "Have you seen the common room yet?" George asked. "Common room?" Addilyn slightly tilted her head. "Yes a common room, only the best place for the best parties, aka the gryffindor ones." Fred said proudly.

"How about this. If you guys can throw a good party tonight, I'll consider gryffindor." Addilyn said. She turned back to her food and awaited a response. "You got yourself a deal, Addi." George said. She felt that same weird feeling in her stomach again at the nickname. "Addilyn Rose you can not be falling for someone you just met!" she told herself. She looked up and George was talking to Fred. He was rather cute. But, she had more important things to focus on at the moment. She had to figure out where the fate of her next 4 years would lay. Was it Hufflepuff? Slytherin? Ravenclaw? Or Gryffindor? She wasn't really considering Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, but I guess she would find out as she spent time with both houses. "Earth to Addi?" She heard George say. "Sorry. Lost in thought." Addilyn said as she sent him a smile. He smiled back. "What I was saying, was," George said as he leaned in to her ear so only she could hear. "Do we want to play party games or just music and dancing?" He asked. She blushed as he was breathing on her neck. "I say both." She said confidently. She loved party games. "Both it is then." George and Fred said. They got up and walked to where I assumed the kitchens were.

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