The Hogwarts Express

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"Addilyn," her mother stared at her with an annoyed look on her face. "we have no choice. We're leaving. Pack your bags we're going tomorrow." She spoke with a stern tone of voice.

Addilyn knew never to challenge her mother, but this time she wasn't going down without a fight. "Mother! All my friends are here! Beauxbatons is here!" Addilyn said.

She was furious with her mom. Addilyn wasn't expecting to come home, for her mom to tell her they were leaving two days later. Addilyn didn't have nearly enough time to say goodbye to everyone she loved here.

She knew she would hate her new school. She had never liked moving schools, especially now that she had a solid group of friends and was actually starting to enjoy life.

Addilyn came from a very strict family. They were what the wizarding world called "Pure-Bloods" meaning that her family came from a long line of witches and wizards. She always enjoyed being a pure-blood, because everyone respected her. But, she also respected half bloods and people who came from muggle born families. She considered all blood types the same.

Her parents hated that she didn't reside in only pureblood friends. Addilyn was a very popular girl, meaning she knew or was known by almost everyone at school. It was hard to tell who actually enjoyed her company, versus who only wanted to talk to her for her popularity.

"Fine." Addilyn spoke bitterly. "But don't expect me to be excited about anything. I can assure you I am not." Addilyn said before turning and walking up the stairs to her bedroom. She walked in and slammed the door before locking it.

She pulled out her trunk and started packing all her clothes and other belongings. She didn't have much she wanted to keep. She thought this was the only good thing about moving. She could leave everything she didn't want, and could start fresh. She kept the important stuff of course. One of those important belongings being her best friends sweater. She missed him greatly. Another good thing about moving to England, she could see him more frequently because he currently lived there.

She finished packing her belongings before walking over to another bedroom across the hallway. She quietly crept in and tiptoed over to Adrian. Adrian was her big brother, but was also her best friend and personal diary. She was about to jump on his back when he spoke. "Did you hear the news?" Adrian said hesitantly. "What news?" Addilyn pretended. Adrians face sunk and he immediately regretted saying anything.

"Adri, I'm only joking. I know Mother's making us leave." She said as she sent him a sad smile. "Bloody hell Addilyn! You scared me! I thought I just ruined everything for you." Adrian spoke rubbing his temples. "Sorry, but you know I couldn't have passed up an opportunity to mess with you." She said smiling.

"What do you say we go to our spot for the last time tonight?" Adrian said as he rested his head on Addilyn's shoulder. "I'd love that." She said. She pushed herself on the bed and walked down to the kitchen.

All of their belongings that used to be spread around the house were now packed in boxes. "Mother, where is Father?" Addilyn said, not trying to annoy her mom further. "Work, Addilyn. He'll be back before we leave early tomorrow." She said.

Addilyn sighed and walked over to Rosie, the family dog. "How's my favorite little puppy?" Addilyn spoke while scratching Rosie behind her ear. Rosie looked up at her and wagged her tail before kissing her face. "Mom, are we taking Rosie with us to England?" Addilyn asked. She was afraid she would say no. "Of course we are. We know you love her too much to just leave her." Her mom told her.

Addilyn looked at the time and grabbed a jacket and shoes before walking into Adrians room. "Ready to go?" He asked, slipping his shoe on. "Ready as I'll ever be." she said as she let out a sigh. "Addi, we'll be okay. I'm sure we'll make lots of new friends. And who knows, maybe you'll actually find a guy who likes you for you and not your looks." He nudged her in the side as he walked out the door. "Yea yea very funny Adrian. Maybe you'll find someone who likes you as well. You know, because no one likes you here." She smirked as she watched him turn around and scoff.

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