A Familiar Stranger

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"I've missed you too, Lyn." He said.

"Why didn't you come see me sooner?" Addilyn asked him. She was kind of disappointed. They had been at the same place since she came to Hogwarts and he didn't even come to see her until now.

"I wanted to give you some time to settle in before I came and stole you away. What happened at the sorting ceremony? Why did they take you into another room?" He asked her.

"Long story really," Addilyn told him.

"basically, the sorting hat didn't know what house to put me in. I have a month to choose whichever house I think I fit best in. Then I decide what house I want." Addilyn said and gave a small smile.

Truth be told, she didn't know what house she wanted. Yes, of course, she wanted to be with her brother in slytherin, as well as wanting to be with the person standing in front of her.

"But you're gonna pick slytherin right?" He asked her.

"I don't know for sure yet. Like I said I have a month to choose."

"Addilyn, if you choose slytherin you can be with me and your brother." he said.

"I know, I know. It's hard because I have friends in other houses as well. I think right now I fit one house more than others. But I want to wait the full month before I decide." Addilyn explained.

"It's a boy isn't it." He said while smirking.

"What?" Addilyn asked as she tried not to blush.

"It's a boy. That's why you're considering one house more than others." He said.

"Blaise I am not!" Addilyn whisper-yelled.

"Mhm. Say what you want but I know all your little secrets."  Blaise said as he sat back on the couch.

"No you don't. You used to think I fancied you, of all people. Boy, were you wrong." Addilyn said as she sat back down on the couch next to him.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Anything bothering you?" Blaise asked her.

"No. Well yes but-" Addilyn stuttered.

Blaise narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

"You can tell me. You know you can." Blaise said. He put his hand on hers and squeezed it gently.

"What if I disappoint my parents? I know they would want me to choose slytherin. They were so happy when Adrian got into slytherin. What if I decide another house fits me better and they disown me? You know how they are. They don't like me being with anyone but pure bloods." Addilyn said. She never wanted to let her parents down because she know how much being successful meant to them.

"Addilyn look at me." Blaise said sternly.

Addilyn glanced up at him with her glossy eyes. She wasn't going to let a tear fall though. She never did.

"Your parents love you. If you don't choose slytherin they aren't going to disown you. It's your own choice and you're going to pick what house you think fits you best and they can't change your mind." Blaise said as he sent her a reassuring smile.

"I don't have to live up to their standards. Right?" Addilyn asked.

"Exactly right." Blaise added.

"You shouldn't be here Zabini." A low voice said.

Addilyn turned her head and was met with the torso of a tall figure. She glanced up and saw George Weasley towering over her.

"Weasley shouldn't you be in bed?" Blaise asked.

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