Making A Plan

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When Addilyn rose from her sleep, her mind immediately went to the tournament. 

She looked around the room to find it empty.

"Maybe they already went down to breakfast?" Addilyn thought. It was Saturday, so she had slept in. 

When she finally decided to get up and go down for breakfast, she realized she missed it. 

"I'll just do some research on the tournament." Addilyn told herself.

After an hour or two,  Addilyn heard a knock on the door and slowly walked over to the door.

When she opened the door, she was hit with something.

"Ow!" Addilyn said as she put her hand to her face where she was just hit.

She saw George standing at the end of the stairs.

"Sorry, I called but you didn't answer. That was my next best option." He said smiling at her.

Addilyn smiled and walked down the stairs.

"I was beginning to think you died up there, it's nearly lunch!" George told her.

"Is it really? I guess I've been busy reading about this tournament." Addilyn said.

"The events are different for each tournament. Besides, the first task isn't for another month!" George told her. 

"I guess you're right. I'm just worried." Addilyn told him honestly.

"Don't be. You're the most bad ass woman I know. You'll be fine." George said to her as he rubbed her arm and smiled.

"Thanks Georgie." Addilyn said.

Addilyn and George were gazing into each others eyes.

George slowly started leaning in towards Addilyn, and Addilyn leaned towards him to meet in the middle.

All of a sudden, the portrait swung open, causing Addilyn and George to pull  back and go red in the face. 

"Azzilyn!" Fleur said.

"Fleur? Is something wrong?" Addilyn asked her.

"Ze first task. Dragons." Fleur said, catching her breath between each word. 

"Dragons?" George said as he stood up and walked over to them. 

"Oh. Hi George." Fleur said.

Suddenly Fleurs eyes widened. 

"Am I interrupting zomething'?" Fleur asked with excitement in her voice.

George and Addilyn both went quiet and scratched the back of their heads.

Addilyn didn't say anything.

"No. Not interrupting anything." George said. 

Addilyn looked up at him with a questioning look, but shrugged it off. She knew she had to talk to Fred.

"I have to go." Addilyn said before she started walking out of the common room. 

"You idiot! Why did you zay' that ven' there is clearly zometing' going on!" Fleur yelled at him.

Addilyn ran out the door and down towards where she assumed Fred was. 

"Fred. We need to talk. Now." Addilyn said, her face red as the Weasleys hair.

"Okay?" Fred said. 

Addilyn drug the boy out towards a hallway. 

"Why would you say George fancies me? Anytime anyone questions something, he's the one doing the denying. At least I don't deny!" Addilyn said.

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