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Blurred fragments of the attack washing through her racing mind, Hayley sucks in a sudden breath and abruptly jerks herself awake. Sierra swiftly sits up in her seat, wearing a relieved smile for the perplexed woman busy taking in the unfamiliar room.

"You're okay." Sierra takes her hand. "I'm here. Preston is too, he just went to get more coffee."

He's barely had a wink of sleep since the break in. The two of them have taken it in shifts so she wasn't alone. Though his time away from her bedside was usually spent wandering the corridors aimlessly or standing outside staring at nothing in particular. He couldn't bear to actually leave her.

"It's not safe." She croaks. "It's not safe anywhereー not even in your own home."

Sierra swallows the lump beginning to form in her throat. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Wasn't your fault."

"It was. I should've known."

"Don't be daft." A look of discomfort descends over her face as her head cranes back against the pillows. "How bad is it?"

Sierra's head inclines. "Two broken ribs. You had a surgery because you had internal bleeding. You couldn't breathe because um... Because there was blood in your lungs."

She doesn't fight the tears welling. "Are they gonna come back?"

Sierra dries her eyes before she notices. "No. No they won't come back." She'd prefer it if her best friend didn't see her upset even though it's evident on her face.

"What did you do? I remember hearing your voice. You said you'd make them pay. Sierra what did you do?"

"Something bad," her voice wavers. "Something really bad. I can't tell you. Trust me you don't wanna know."

"I think I already do."

Her bottom lip trembles. "I couldn't let them get away with what they did to you. They wanted me. They did this to get to me. They almost killed you, Hayley." Screw the tears dripping from her chin.

"Come here." Hayley holds out a hand. Sierra sniffs and cautiously leans in, embracing her best friend without adding to her pain. "Whatever you did, thank you. You're right, I don't wanna know. But I think I'll be able to sleep a little better knowing they won't come back."

"No." She shakes her head, determined. "No one will ever hurt you again."

"At least I got to use my taser. Pretty sure I got one of them with my pepper spray too but I'm not quite sure." Her eyes flutter briefly when she lowers her arm, Sierra aiding her so it doesn't stir the agony in her ribs.

An airy chuckle escapes her. "I did notice one of them had red eyes," she smiles and points to her own. "He looked like he was struggling, I think he saw two of me."

Hayley laughs gently but groans part way through. "Oh that's a lotta pain." Her hand hovers over her rib cage. "Wait a minute."

"What is it?" Sierra scrutinises the brunette, on the edge of her seat.

"I know you haven't gained that much weight from stress eating at my bedside." Sierra clears her throat and she gaspsー albeit painfully. "You're pregnant and you didn't tell me?"

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