Operation: Thunder Strike

Start from the beginning

"We are changing deployment zone, Companies 1 and 2 will deploy near the Blades of Flame, 3  with the Shields of Diomedes, 4 with the Lords of Iron, and Company 5 with the Lions of Numidia, if one marines fall, Have the geneseed collected, I wish to have it examined, see the true-sires of the chapters. We will return the geneseed after genetic testing." Macullos said, crossing his arms.

The Astartes would crash into areas around the domed Cities, before stepping out and opening fire with their bolters. Dreadnaughts blared their horns, as their assualt cannons opened fire. Terminators with Storm Bolters unleashed death upon the Orks.

The Mandalorians, who were defending the breach were relived, seeing a force fighting against the Orks.

A space marine captain walked towards the breach.

"Who are you?" the mandalorian warrior asked.

"Decalir Tenst. We are the Blades of Flames. We shall push the Ork threat from your city. Do you have those willing to join us in the Crusade against the Orks?" the captain asked.

A Mandalorian in the armor, walked out.

"I am Pre Vizsla, I have at my call those who follow the old ways of Mandalore. We came to save our people. If you are doing the same, you have us at your beck and call." He said.

The Orks began to withdraw, moving away, before the second force of Space Marines slammed into the ground. The Stormravens would land, before deploying their space marines, before making their way, chasing the Ork Fighta-boomers.

Anakin rode down on a Thunderhawk. The Republic ships were moving in, with Kenobi being a lead ship to meet with the Imperial forces that had landed. Mace Windu would land near a second city, as they deploy in sections, and would attempt to link the cities up.

As the 212th began to deploy, they would fire down on the Orks. The Orks took several hits before they would be killed. The deployment of heavy weapons were more effective, in compared to the DC-15 blasters.

Obi-wan would land on a platform, near the one where the Storm Hawk landed.

Obi-wan walked over, seeing Anakin standing near, wearing armor, and having a sword on his hip.

"Anakin, what happened?" Kenobi asked, before two Marines carrying bolters moved to stand between him and Anakin.

"It is ok." Anakin said, having them step aside.

"Come, Master jedi, walk with me." Anakin said.

The Pair walked a distance, and walked inside. As the door shut, Anakin looked around, before he looked at Obi-wan.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you. I can't take being their Emperor. They take everything I do so serious. I had to state that I am not going to have a harem. I need your help. What do I do?" Anakin said.

Kenobi couldn't help but chuckle a bit, as he looked at his former Padawan.

"What about the Senator? Ahsoka and the 501st?" Obi-wan asked.

"They were also taken, Padme and I are now the leaders, while Ahsoka is a Princess. Rex was also made into a leader of the mortal military." Anakin said.

"Well, I would say, do what you normally do, Request that you and the 501st go to the front lines, be the general you want. Now you just happen to have more support." Obi-wan said.

"Ok.....Ok, yeah, I think that could work." Anakin said.

"Also, what is up with the sword?" Obi-wan asked.

"They have it to me." Anakin said, drawing it and the blade suddenly emmited blue flames.

"It's a powered sword." He added.

"Yes it does seem like it." Anakin said, before putting it away.

The door opened, and Mhmun was standing there.

"My Emperor. We have Confirmed, the Spears, Lions, the Lords and the Mentors have all landed at their targets. Imperial Navy has also begun their Air Superiority campaign. Imperial Guard forces will be deploying, along with Mechanicus forces. The Presence of Ork Gargants has been confirmed, and Legio Tenerii will be hunting them." Mhmun explained.

"Excellent. I would like a message to be sent to all Chapters, The First goal will be securing the cities. The Orks are to be pushed back and Civilians are to be evacuated." Anakin ordered.

"Understood My Emperor." Mhmun said, as he bowed.

Mhmun left.

"And where are they? Padme and Ahsoka" Obi-wan asked.

"Padme is on Imperius, she wanted to sort out the Administration, while Ahsoka, who is suppose to be on Imperius, is in orbit, on the Blades of Flame's space Fortress." Anakin explained.

"Good, I will report this to Master Windu. Krell should also know what the plan is. It also seems like there is a rather large force in Sundari, of mandalorian's in armor." Obi-wan said.

"Yeah....I noticed that too." Anakin said.

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