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Chapter 14:

- A few minutes later -

They were still sitting on the floor. Emma was shaking, she was so cold, tired and still feeling sick. She was even so tired that while leaning onto Killian, she fell asleep in his arms.

Killian looked at Emma and saw she fell asleep so he carried her to their room. He laid her on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. Her hand was still visible from under the blanket. Killian grapped it to put it under the blanket too, but then he felt her temperature, she was so cold.


A few months ago, before Emma was pregnant, they were watching this tv show, and in this show they were giving all these survival tips. One of them was a tip to keep someone warm, or make them warm. They explained that if you lay against each other with bare skin, the other one will get it warm.


Killian remembered that and decited to try it. He pulled of her shirt from her, also his own jeans and shirt and layed against her.


The bell rang and both Killian and Emma woke up. Killian looked at the clock and saw it was almost 7 PM.

"Sh*t" He said "I was suppose to be back at the station 3 hours ago."

"Wait how long have we been asleep?" Emma asked

"Uhm, like 5 hours." He said

The bell reang again.

"I'll get it." Killian said

He put on his bathrobe and walked downstairs. Killian opened the door, it was Regina, she walked in angry ish.

"Where have you been, David said you weren't responding to his calls, we were worried." Regina said.

"Yeah I'm sorry" Killian said "I fell asleep right after-"

"You and Emma slept together?" Regina said while she interrupted him.

"No, no, no. It's not what you think." Killian said quickly "When i came home to check on Emma, she was sitting at the bathroom floor, throwing up."

"Oh-" Regina said

"And when I brought her to bed, she was cold as ice. So i laid next to her to make her warm." He continued

"Oh Sh*t, sorry. I didn't know." Regina said "Is she okay now?"

"Yeah I think so" He said "You woke us up so i didn't get a chance to check on her, but I'm gonna do that now."

"Oh, okay" Regina said and she sat on their couch.

Killian went back to Emma.

"How are you, felling better already?" He asked

"Yeah I think so" Emma said "Who is downstairs?"

"Oh, it's just Regina" He said "I didn't say where I was going when i was going to check on you. And then we fell asleep..."

"Oh, yeah right" Emma said "I think I'm going downstairs to talk to her and eat something."

"Okay, I'm gonna put on some clotes and then I'll be there in a second." Killian said

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