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Chapter 7:

After work Emma had an appointment with Archie.

"Hello Emma, come in." Archie said.

"Hey Archie."

Emma sat on the couch.

"So Emma, how are you doing?" Archie asked.

"Well, I'm doing pretty good actually. I haven't had any panic attacks since our last appointment, so thats good. Although today I felt one almost comming up because Killian almost spilled out that I'm pregnant, because he didn't saw that my dad was also at the station. But we talked around it, so he doesn't know anything."

"It's good that the panic attack didn't went through. But why do you not want to tell your family about your pregnancy?" He said.

"Well,... uhm, I don't know actually. I guess because, once I tell my family it all become to real."

"And what's wrong with it 'beeing real' Emma?" He asked.

"Well uhm, I don't know really. Maybe that if I tell everyone, they're gonna take care of me and don't want me to fight villans and monsters and that's somthing i like and I don't want to quit."

"Well Emma, why is it that bad not to fight them?" Archie asked.

"Uhm, I guess i don't want to be bored or somthing."

As soon a 's Emma finished that sentence, her phone rang and she picked the phone up.

"Emma, It's Regina, Lily got angry again," *intensive breathing* "are you coming we're near Granny's." Regina said from the other side of the phone.

"OK I'll be there in a few minutes." And they hang up the phone.

"Sorry Archie, can we finish this later, please."

"Sure, when you're done with fighting?" He said.


She closed the door behind her and ran to Granny's.

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