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⚠️WARNING: THIS part has anxiety problems don't read if it's a trigger for you⚠️

Chapter 8:

When Emma arrived she saw Lily went all 'DRAGON BITCH'

"Emma, where *intensive breathing*, where were you?" Regina asked.

"I *intensive breathing*, I was at Archie's, *intensive breathing* I had a session."

"Okay, but why are you so exhausted, that's only one minute running from there to here." Regina said.

Emma is way faster exhausted, than before she was pregnant, but she couldn't tell Regina that.

"I don't know, maybe because of the rush or somthing."

"Okay then." Regina answered and she stoped talking and continued to fight.

And also Emma started shooting magic at her.

Then after a while one of her magic rays bounced off Lily's dragon skin and accidentally hit Killian, Who was watching from the side, because he didn't have magic of course.

"KILLIAN!!!" Emma screamed and she ran to him.

Emma started to get a panic attack because Killian was unconcious. While Emma was panicking, Killian woke up and saw Emma totally panicking above him.

"Emma, Emma, Calm down, I'm not unconcious anymore, I'm not gonna die, it's okay." Killian said, still feeling a bit dizzy.

Normally words like this would have stoped the panic attack, but it didn't, it only got worse.

"Emma, please calm down." He said again, but it still didn't work.

Then Killian heard Emma say "Because of me I'm gonna let everyone die. Every one is gonna die, they're gonna die, I'm gonna die. I don't want that, no one should die."

"Emma, listen to me." He said

But it didn't work, she didn't hear him because she cut herself off from everything around her, the only thing she could hear was Lily grunting and spiting fire, because they didn't stop her yet.

Then out of nowhere Killian kissed her on her lips. Their kiss stoped Emma from breathing for a second and it stoped Emma's panic attack.

Emma calmed down and looked at Killian. He could see she was thankfull, she just couldn't say it, because she was to tired.

Then they suddenly heard Regina yell. "Watch out!!!"

But it was to late, the fire rey that came from Lily hit Emma really hard. She didn't have the strength to stay awake because of her panic attack, so passend out.

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