Chapter 20

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That weekend...(Saturday)
4:00 p.m.
Tohru's POV
Kyo and I moved out yesterday, but nobody knew about it since they were out for white day. We didn't have to move a lot thankfully.

Kyo knows the owner of the apartment personally. It was close to the school too.

The apartment was small. The walls were tan and there was brown hardwood flooring throughout the apartment.

The kitchen had cherrywood cabinets and white countertops. And there was an island with barstools.

The living room has a white couch and a chair. Kyo's tv was here and to the left there was a deck, we were on the fifth floor.

To the back walls, there were two doors, the one closest to the kitchen was the small bathroom.

The door closest to the living room is our bedroom. It's small but we were able to put my bed in there and a dresser.

"Hey, babe?" Kyo asked coming into the living room.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why is that rat telling me that you want us all to meet here?" He asked.

"Important," I said as there was a knock at the door.

"What's this place?" Hatori asked as every zodiac member came in.

"It's our home," Kyo said.

"Why did you move out?" Shigure asked.

"Before we get to asking that I want to know why Tohru wanted us all to meet up. Tohru why did you want us all to come?" Isuzu asked.

"I want you all to follow me," I whispered but I knew they heard me.

I walked out of the apartment complex and went down the street. Everyone stayed behind me as we got closer.

We got to a huge estate like building. I was about to go in when everyone especially Hatori stopped me.

"Tohru do you know where you're going? This is private property." Hatori asked grabbing my wrist.

"Let go," I said in a stern tone.

"This is private Sohma property, you can't go in." He said.

"I know what I'm doing," I said breaking free from his grasp.

I walked in and went to the back area. When I got there I saw a familiar-looking man, he was tall and had brownish hair.

When he saw me his jaw dropped, he came over. I stared at him as he grabbed my wrist and took me to a room.

He took me inside a cold, dark, and empty room. He motioned for the Sohma's to sit in the corner while I sat in the middle.

"Hey! You have a visitor." The man said.

"Why would someone want to talk..." They said coming out and in shock.

"Well well well, Tohru Honda. You even brought the zodiacs." They said sitting in front of me.

"Leave them out of this Akito," I said.

"Woah, I never you could've grown a backbone. Thirteen years has done a lot and I'm surprised you're not dead yet." Akito said.

"I'm surprised you didn't kill me years ago," I said.

Akito came over to me and picked me up by my neck. She slapped me to the floor making my cheek bleed.

"TOHRU!" Kyo yelled as Kureno held him back.

"Who knew you and that monster would get together. You're foolish for even thinking that you could be happy." Akito said.

"He has made me the happiest I've been in years. I will never regret anything I have done with him." I said in an angry tone.

"Say you're sorry." She said slapping me.

"NEVER!" I yelled.


She kicked me in the gut as I flew into the wall. I coughed up blood, my mouth was full of blood and it went everywhere.

She picked me up by my hair and threw me against the floor face first. I heard everyone screaming.

I got up and kicked her leg making her fall to the floor. She got a piece of glass and cut my arms, neck, and back.

I was covered in blood but I wasn't weak. She suddenly kicked my back and got her rope from her kimono.

She whipped me as I screamed from the pain. I saw Kyo struggling to fight Kureno but it was no use.

"SAY YOU'RE SORRY!" Akito yelled picking my head up and making me look at her.

"FUCK OFF!" I yelled as she punched me.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE?" She yelled throwing me to the wall.

She came over and kicked me in the stomach once more. She spit on my face as I looked like shit.

"What's the point of living when your mother gave you up? What's the point when your mother died days later and when you watched your grandpa get murdered by your aunt and uncle? You've gone through thirteen years of torture and yet you still chose to live, why?" She asked.

"You will never know the pain I went through. I wish I would just die but I can't, and now seeing you after so long makes me want to kill myself even more but I won't." I said.

"Why not just kill yourself? You'd be doing the world a favour." She asked.

"Because I found my true purpose in life," I said.

"What the hell is a true purpose?" She asked.

"Happiness," I said getting up.

"After so much torture, how have you found happiness just from one person?" She asked.

I was speechless, I didn't know my answer. I suddenly started feeling light-headed from the amount of blood I lost.

I looked at Akito and Kyo, I fell to the floor. Akito came over to me, all I saw was her worried face as I passed out.

A dark chapter, it'll continue in the next chapter. Bye Bye.

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