Chapter 11

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I was about to get up when someone whipped me back into the ground. I looked behind me and saw him.

6:45 p.m.
"I can't believe I found you." He said in a devious tone.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.

"Don't talk slut, that will ruin the fun." He said picking me up.

He dragged me behind a wall. He got his belt out and started whipping my back. I tried screaming for help but nothing would come out.

He suddenly whipped me behind my neck making me cough up blood. He did it two more times to where my mouth and part of my face was covered in blood.

I was about to get up when he grabbed my shirt and threw me back onto the ground scrapping my body badly.

He then wrapped my arms behind my back and tied them tightly with his belt. He ripped my shirt sleeve and wrapped it around my mouth.

He kicked me in the stomach, I was very defenseless. He then picked up a sharp rock and cut my neck, chest, back, and arms.

"Don't forget what I told you." He said kicking my wrist.

I was covered in blood when he picked me up and took me back to Kazuma's house. He threw me at the door and ran quickly.

Before anyone could come I coughed up more blood and passed out from blood loss.

8 hours later...(Wednesday)
3 a.m.
I woke up in the same room I was in with Kyo before I ran out. I looked at my body, I had so many bandages on me it practically looked like I was in a body cast.

But it was only my upper body that was damaged. I looked over at the side table to see my bloody clothes and the belt he used to tie me up.

Suddenly the door opened four figures were coming in. I moved to the back of my bed when the light turned on.

"Tohru I can't believe you're alive," Hatori said as he, Isuzu, Kazuma, and Kyo sat on the bed.

"I want you to tell us everything that happened," Isuzu said.

"No," I said pulling my legs to my chest.

"Why not? You were practically dead." She asked.

"He'll hurt me if I do," I said quietly.

"Tohru you cant go back to your old ways. Now you know your body better than us, did we miss a spot when we cleaned you up?" She asked.

I looked around my body and I was about to turn when my back started hurting. I grabbed it and started crying loudly.

Hatori ran over and looked at my back. He gasped at what he saw and got some bandages.

"How did we miss this x again? And these are the marks from the belt." Hatori said fixing my back.

"Wrist." I said quietly.

"Oh my god, you're lucky I have a cast. Holy shit, how did you not scream?" He asked putting a cast on my left wrist.

"I couldn't." I said.

"Is there anyone in here that you want to stay the night with you? I want one of us to make sure you're ok." He asked.

I reached over and grabbed Kyo's hand. Kyo blushed and came next to me but still held my hand.

"So I understand you both have a close bond. Is there anything going on between you to make your bond like this?" Isuzu asked.

"We just became close by me visiting her every day when she was in her room," Kyo said as I nodded.

"We will come to check on you both later." She said as they left.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Bathroom?" I asked.

"Uh, it's over there." He said pointing to the door.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself. I looked horrible, I hated myself even more than.

I sat on the toilet and started crying. I couldn't believe I left and got to this point, I couldn't believe that I survived again.

"Tohru are you ok?" Kyo asked kneeling in front of me.

"I just want to die," I whispered but I knew he heard me.

"Don't say that." He said grabbing my hands.

"Why? I can't take it anymore." I whispered looking into his eyes.

"Please, I don't want to lose you. You're all the I have." He said as I was in shock.

"You're only saying that," I said.

"No, I'm not. When you came to our school I changed a lot. I only ever want to be with you, I don't want anyone else. And knowing your in this condition it makes me want to help you, I don't want to see you suffer anymore. Please don't go." He said laying his head on my lap.

"Ok," I said playing with his hair.

He sat up and picked me up bridal style, I was surprised he didn't change. He laid me on the bed and got next to me.

I put his arm out and laid my head on it. We were both staring into each other's eyes, I loved staring into his eyes.

Suddenly he leaned in and kissed my lips, I blushed and kissed back. He pulled away blushing and smiled.

"Please don't think about killing yourself." He said in a serious tone.

"Ok," I said playing with his other hand.

I put his hand on my chest and got comfortable. His eyes were wide but I brushed it off.

"Night," I said kissing his hand.

"Uh, goodnight." He said as I fell asleep.

A dark chapter, I don't know how far in the future I'm going to go but it won't be far. Bye Bye.

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