Chapter 15

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"Oh my god, let's get outside to play." She said.

8:15 a.m.
Tohru's POV
Kisa and I got dressed as Kyo went to his room and got clothes. She pulled me downstairs as everyone looked at us weirdly.

"Let's go outside," Kisa said pulling me outside.

The grass was covered in snow, it was beautiful. The younger kids including Momiji made a snowman while I watched.

"Tohru, come here," Hatori said from the deck.

I went over hesitantly but being next to him, he seemed calm. I stood next to him as he grabbed my hand, it was warm for once.

"Tell me Tohru, what happens when the snow melts?" Hatori asked.

"Spring," I said as his eyes went wide.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"W-whenever the snow melts... I know s-spring comes, it never f-fails to show up." I said smiling lightly.

"My ex-fiancée said the same thing." He said.

"That's the pain you're going through," I whispered but I knew he heard me.

"Answer me this, after thirteen years of abuse how are you still able to smile?" He asked as I shrugged.

"Ms. Honda come help us," Yuki said as Hatori let go of my hand.

I ran out to Yuki and Kyo, they both had snowballs in their hand. I made one and was about to throw it at him when...

He pulled me close and kissed my lips in front of everyone. I dropped the snowball and kissed back.

8:45 a.m.
Hatori's POV
"I think I know why she is always happy," I said as Shigure came out.

"Can you blame her? Kyo is finally in love and she loves him too. I never thought I'd see the day where he'd find love and have someone love him back." Shigure said.

"You can't tell anyone about this, do it and I'll kill you personally," I said.

"I wasn't planning on it, I've never seen him this happy and I don't want to ruin his happiness." He said.

"She needs to know, if she does we will know," I said.

"You can't do it to him, he just became happy." He said.

"I don't mean now, but soon," I said as he nodded.

8:50 a.m.
Tohru's POV
He pulled away from the kiss and started remembering something. I looked at Shigure and Hatori, they were talking and it seemed like a dark subject.

I ran inside and before I could get in Shigure stopped me. I pushed him to the ground and ran to my room.

I jumped on my bed and covered my face. I started crying, I remembered why I didn't know what snow was.

Start Of Flashback
12 years ago
I was walking home from elementary school when white stuff started falling from the sky, it was beautiful.

I ran to my house and went to the kitchen. I ran to my aunt and pulled her outside to see the stuff.

"Auntie, what's this?" I asked as she pulled away from my grasp.

"Girls like you shouldn't be out here." She said yanking me back inside and slamming the door.

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't talk back to me." She said throwing me onto the stairs.

"GET TO YOUR ROOM!" She yelled as I ran upstairs.

I got to my room and started crying. I took the picture of me and grandpa out and looked at it, it always comforted me.

"Hey, kid! Are you talking back to your aunt?" He said coming in with a knife.

"I'M SORRY!" I yelled soon covering my mouth.

"DON'T YELL AT ME!" He yelled cutting my arms.

I kept crying as he threw the knife at the wall and stormed out the room. I looked at the picture, it was covered in my blood.

I just put it back under my mat, I didn't bother cleaning the blood since I knew they'd be back later.

End Of Flashback
9:00 a.m.
"Shh, Tohru it's ok," Isuzu said hugging me.

"I'M SORRY I LEFT MY ROOM!" I yelled crying more.

"Tohru you are allowed to leave your room." She said.


"It's ok, let's go downstairs." She said as I dried my tears.

She took me downstairs as everyone was in the room. I tried going back upstairs when she gripped onto me.

"Tohru you're not going back upstairs." She said.

"JUST LET ME GO UPSTAIRS! I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE!" I yelled soon covering my mouth.

I ran upstairs and before I got to my room I tripped and landed on my wrist I broke a while back.

I grabbed onto my wrist when Hatori came up. He put a cast on it and took me back to my room.

"I want you to keep this on for about three months. Your bones are very weak and I'm going to need you to take a shot every day to help your body. Ok?" Hatori asked as I nodded.

"Are you going to be ok up here, alone?" He asked.

"Kyo," I whispered but I knew he heard me.

He left the room and not long after Kyo came up. He saw the cast and sat next to me, he kissed my cheek and rubbed my back.

"You know, when Hatori wanted me to come up everyone was going crazy," Kyo said as I laughed lightly.

"Silly," I said blushing.

"Yeah, um Hatori wanted me to tell you that he wants you to stay up here for a while." He said looking away.

"Oh," I said looking away.

"Tohru, I'm not allowed to visit you. He wants you to be alone and away from everyone so you can I guess get your thoughts together." He said.

"Don't go," I said grabbing onto his shirt.

"I can't go against Hatori's wishes." He said.

"Please," I said crying again.

"I'm sorry, but we can text and call." He said getting up.

"Please don't go, you're all I have left," I whispered but I knew he heard me.

"It's going to be ok. I'll see you soon." He said kissing me and leaving.

The room felt like it was getting darker. I cried more than ever because I practically lost him, the only one I ever loved.

"Kyo," I whispered.

A sad ending, depending on how I make the story it'll hopefully get better. Bye Bye.

Will I Ever Be Happy?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin