I was shocked by how much information that he just gave me, he seemed so genuine and serious when he talked about it. I feel like I would be more comfortable talking to my brothers but I don't want them to see me anymore different then they already do. I have already been a burden enough to them.

"thank you," I said again looking down at my hands, a small smile covering my face realizing how much some of my brothers cared for me. I haven't felt this much love sense mom died. i missed this feeling so much.

"On yeah I forgot to tell you but we have a work dinner tonight and you'll be coming with us, wear a dress because it is going to be a very formal dinner," He explained as we started pulling up to the house.

"when are we leaving?"

"5," He shortly responded. We both got out of the car and made out way into the house, I went to the kitchen to grab a quick snack where Leo just so happened to be there.

"How did it go?" He asked me barely looking up from his computer.

"Fine," I shrugged grabbing some fruit snacks.

"Fine?" he questioned.

"yeah I didn't really like it," I said shrugging again and making my way up to my room. It was now 3:00 and we had to leave for this 'dinner' in 2 hours. Honestly I didn't know what to expect, I took a long shower before I started getting ready.

I chose a black dress with a slit going up the side, I put some mascara and blush on and walked downstairs.

Aundre was already sitting there in a all black suit much like what Mattia was wearing earlier. I took a seat next to him and started scrolling though my phone for the time being.

Eventually everyone started strolling in wearing identical clothes as aundre was wearing, this scared me if im being honest. I felt so out of place I never was someone how went to nice places and now being with my brothers to it was quite intimidating.

We all got into separate cars, Me, Mattia and Enzo, then Aundre and Riccardo, and lastly Matteo and Leo.

The drive to the restrant was pretty boring Enzo and I were on our phones the entire time and Mattia was to busy focusing on the road to start a conversation.

We finally arrived at a big modern building, there were 2 double glass doors for the entry and looked crazy expensive.

When we walked in the mood seamed to change throughout the entire place, the chatter of other costumers started getting quieter. The employees all seemed to visibly tense. They all seamed like they were mind arguing for who had to come up and seat us.

Eventually a girl who looked to be in here 20s slowly strolled up to us, "H-hey Mr. Rossi follow me," She explained, nerves seemed to be eating her up. We all followed behind her to a long table.

There were already people seated around it, everyone had suites and ties on and looked very professional. Im now applauding myself for putting on a dress and putting on some makeup.

We all took seats at the middle part of the table, Aundre and Leo on either sides of me, Enzo across from me, Mattia and Riccardo on both sides of him and Metteo next to Riccardo.

A waitress came by and took our drink orders I ordered water but almost everyone else ordered a beer, "We own the restrant so they can get whatever they want," Aundre whispered probably noticing how they could order them while being underage.

After a while of listening in on the conversation people were having at he table someone familiar caught my eyes, "hey Leo who's that" I asked pointing to the man a few people down on the table.

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