Chapter Thirty-Six: Laurels

Start from the beginning

I leered at her, trying to figure out her endgame. I may give an ounce of trust now, but that won't stop me from being suspicious. "That's yet to be determined." I mumbled as I put the photo inside my bag carefully.

Just as I put it away, Samara came down the stairs in a loose t-shirt and baggy pants. She looked refreshed.

"Tub is free." She smiled softly—a new calmness had come over her.

I guess she's had time to think everything through. I sighed internally. Good. At least one of us should have some peace of mind.

"I should wash up." I said, heading towards the bathroom. Owyn quickly gave me directions on where everything was and how it worked before I made it up the stairs.


When I came back down, Samara was snuggled in one corner of the couch. Her legs were covered with the blanket as she flipped through one of Ngozi's picture books. She smiled, quietly to herself as she pushed her half-dry hair behind one ear.

"Where's Zahra and Owyn?" I asked.

Only her jade eyes looked up at me before returning to the book. "They said they had a few things to do and headed upstairs."

I sat on the other side of the couch, the middle cushion separating us. "I'm surprised you're not asleep yet. We're leaving pretty early tomorrow."

She closed the book as she stood to put it away. "I was waiting for you."

"What for?" I asked, my eyebrows pulled together.

"I don't really know." She half-laughed as she shut the light off, coating us in darkness. "Maybe it's just habit."


"Yeah," she nearly whispered. I could see her silhouette stretching as she tried to get comfortable. "We have been traveling together for a little while now. I guess I'm just used to having you in the area when it's time to sleep."

"That's it?" came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Should there be more?" she asked, puzzled.

"Nope." I said swiftly, looking up at the dark ceiling. Idiot. I chastised myself before saying, "Night."

I could hear her amusement as she said, "Goodnight, Aryan."


I was awakened to small hands poking at my cheek.

I groaned as I found Ngozi's curious face in front of me. "Kiiiiddd," I dragged out, pushing myself up and away from the boy. "I am not a morning person. If you value your life, you should take a few steps back."

He clearly did not care if he lived because next thing I knew, he was hugging me tightly.

"Ngozi?" Samara tiredly mumbled. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she sat up. Before she could get out another word, Ngozi switched from me to her. She barely let out a chuckle as she weakly hugged him back. "Is everything ok?"

He pulled away, nodding vigorously.

Gods, why is this kid so energetic!?

I walked over to the kitchen sink, rinsing my face and using the toothbrush Owyn gave me last night. Samara eventually followed suit.

"Good morning!" Zahra cheered.

I frowned at Ngozi and his clan. "I see where he gets his energy now." I grumbled.

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