The end (part 1)

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~one year time skip, Payton and A.J have been dating for 6 months btw, in case if you're wondering I will write another book made for Payton and A.J one day but the confession will be a mystery until then lmao~

Payton- *walks into the house* i finally fixed my organization after A.J killed everyone, everything going good.

Anna- when did I ask again?

Ava- Ya no one cares

Rian- *crawls out of TV screen* What was the point in telling us this?

Payton- not everything has to have a point, you guys suck

Ava- ok

Anna- *turns TV up so no one can hear Payton*

Payton- I'm going to go get A.J *starts to leave but there's a rumbling sound coming from behind the house*

Anna- if another alien princess is here I'm quitting

Roxy- *walks through door* hey guys what's happening?

Ava- idk

*they all walk outside to see a huge space ship parked there*

Anna- omfg

*out of the space ship a hooded man in a cloak walks out*

Hooded man in a cloak(HMIC)- by order of lord Zomjo, humans Payton, Anna, Rian, and Ava are to be taken to space and sentenced to death.

Anna- tf did I do?

Payton- Who would know that dating a hot alien princess for 3 days would have so many consequences

AJ- *walks out* hey Payton wtf is happening back here?

Payton- hey AJ 🥵🥵🥵

AJ- ew

Anna- bows not the time to be simping over your S.O, you're about to be murdered by aliens

AJ- hey only I'm allowed to kill payton

Payton- Ya we have a deal!

HMIC- idc *shoots tentacles out of arms that wraps all of them up and sucks them into space ship*

To be continued...

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