Tea party

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-in the chat-

Kapash- Guys, since all of you degenerates prefer coffee over tea, we are having a tea party.

Uncultured blonde- ew

Anna Christ- no

Ant - I'm fine with that

Kapash- nice, anyways we need to set it up. Anna you get the pastry's, I'll get the tea set and silverware, Payton you make the tea, and Rian find us a place for the tea party

Payton- got it


-real life-

Ava- *at a shopping center* where are the tea sets?

Shopping cleric- hello Ms, what are you looking for?

Ava- tea sets

Shopping cleric- *hands her tea set* here you go!

Ava- *runs off with it without paying*

*we cut to anna*

Anna- I'm going to make the pastries.

Rian- *walks through the door* can I help? I already found a spot for the tea party

Anna-sure *they start making pastries and finish them and pull them out of the oven*

Rian- now let's decorate and put them away

Anna- yes *they finish the pastries and they look very nice and are on a metal platter*

Rian- *picks up the platter and drops the pastries, then looks up at anna in fear, anna has a dark shadow looming over her face*

Anna- *picks up the metal platter and starts to beat Rian with it* HOW. DARE. YOU

*cut to Payton, she just came in and witnessed Anna beating Rian, she decided it was better to not do anything*

Payton- *gets pot and put it on the stove stop, then fills it with water* I've never made tea, I normally pay Rian to make it for me when I make it for Ava...

Anna- what are you doing?

Payton- *dumping all of Avas tea bags into the boiling water* making tea

Anna- I won't stop you

Payton- *continues to dump a bunch of useless things in the water then takes it off the stovetop* i made tea, anna tastes it

Anna- *hesitantly tastes the tea* its horrible

Payton- alrighty then plan two *gets tin foil and wraps a tea bag in it then put it in microwave*

Anna- what's that supposed to do?

Payton- the tea bag will melt into tea, hey why is the microwave flashing?

Anna- Did you put metal in the microwave-

*the house explodes*

*they break into the neighbors house and finish their tasks, they meet up with Ava, the spot is in a forest. It has a classy looking table, right next to a pond with some swans, the area is surrounded by trees*

Ava- now this is a tea party

Anna-*sets down pastries in the center of the table*

Payton- *sets down the teapot*

Ava- *take a cookie* these are really good what did you guys do today?

Anna- What you told us to do

Ava- Ok *pours herself some tea*

Anna- *takes a sip of coffee that she got on the way here*

Ava- *sips some of the tea and spits it back into the cup* wtf kind of tea is this?

Payton- i just boiled some Gatorade

Ava- You little-

*after the tea party, they are standing in front of a burning home, there are police there*

Police officer 1-*talking to ava* do you know what caused this?

Ava- no

Police officer 2- *talking to ava* you fit the description of the shop lifter at the shopping center today...


Police officer 1- you are under arrest for shoplifting and lying to the police *cuffs ava and takes her to jail*

Police officer 3- *to Payton* do you know what caused this?

Payton- yes, I did.

Police officer 3- you are under arrest for arson *cuffs payton and takes her away in the car

*anna and Rian go to the hospital for Rians injuries*

Anna- *whispering to Rian* don't tell them I hit you

Doctor- hi I am the doctor, I will give you a check up

Rian- *gets a checkup*

Doctor- I'm surprised you're alive, you are bleeding internally and have 6 broken ribs and a fractured hip.

Anna- are you serious? I didn't even hit him that hard



In the end, Anna, Payton, and Ava went to prison for account of Assualt and battery, arson, and shop lifting.

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