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*payton is thinking in her room*

Payton-I should pull a prank on them, they are all busy today so I have time, I know! I'll pretend someone killed me.

*the crime scene is set up so there is fake blood all over and a knife hidden and she's laying down in the main room and stabbed*

Anna- *comes home and looks at the 'dead' Payton and just walks away* I'm not dealing with this right now

Ava- *come home a few minutes later* Hello? Is anyone here? *doesn't even notice*

Rian- *comes home and sees the 'dead' payton* hey guys someone killed Payton!

Anna- *comes downstairs* oh I know, just say it was Ava and we don't have to worry about it anymore

Ava- wait what happened?

Rian- someone killed payton

Ava- Oh, anyways what's for dinner?

Anna- idk, you cook dinner

Ava- But you normally cook

Rian- let's just order take out, KFC!

Anna- No, we have food at home

Rian- whatever mom

Anna-dont you dare speak to me like that!

Payton- *gets up* I HATE ALL OF YOU!

Ava- oh hi payton

Rian- *makes cross sign with fingers at Payton*

Anna- what do you want for dinner

Payton- 1.lucky charms, 2. I hate you

Ava- Ok

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