Lets play a game

15 3 0

A/n:Again, a cross over with characters from stupid people be stupid and diversity by I_am_whooman

Payton- since we have new friend we get to play games with them right?

Ava- by 'friends' you mean the people who's cafe we blew up and the people who we sacrificed one of their friends to Satan to?

Payton- Yep! So we should all have a friendship bonding... by going into my killing game!

Rian- wtf no

Anna- let me finish this coffee first

*they wait for anna to finish her coffee then payton knocks them all out and puts them in a room*

At trinitys house....

Trinity- *walks into a room* res? Res where are u? *turns on light to see Cole's, Bo's, and res's unconcious body's*

Payton- *appears behind her* sorry, Res isn't here right now *knocks her out with a bat*

At popcorns house...

Payton- *knocks on the door*

Theo- what are you doing here?

Payton- I need you to kidnap your friend and bring them to this location *send Theo the location*

Theo- k

At James cafe...

Amy- how did they rebuild this place so fast?

Oliver- stfu and work

Lory- do you guys here that

Payton- *burst in at sonic speed in the cafe* IM BACK

Amy- run

Payton- *blows up the cafe again and kidnaps all three of them*

At the location...

Theo- *brings James, Popcorn, ViVi, and gunner in a sack next to everyone else* why did you want everyone

Payton- this makes 16 students and for bonding time everyone is going in a killing game. No one will know you are the traitor and you're gonna make sure they fail all attempts at escaping

Theo- k

The killing game starts...

Ava- I can't believe I got dragged into this

Cole- wtf is even happening

Anna- oh so we are here now

Rian- but the question is where that is *checks pockets and pulls out a knife*


ViVi- ah yes, anarchy

James- why are we even here

Popcorn- dio?

Lory- where are we that crazy girl came back

Oliver- ew

Cole- idc at this point

Bo- *hides behind Rez*

Trinity- *protects her children*


Roxy- *hugs ava*

Payton- ok so here are the rules of this killing game, I will pit you guys against one another, the winner goes against the next person and if you lose you die lmao. Ok first... Bo and Rez >:)

Rats nestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon