Therapy with the rats

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Therapist- you were sent here since almost all of you have been reported as mentally unstable.

Payton- idk what ur talking about we're so stable

Anna- this is a waste of time

Therapist-Ok, let's start with you Ms. Payton

Payton- please, call me Payton

Therapist- ok, so some who have encountered you describe you as 'evil'. You have been accused of forcing 16 others to participate in a killing game, summoning a demon, satanism, blowing up multiple establishments, and multiple counts of murder. How are you not arrested yet?

Rian- It's  not that she's evil, she lacks empathy and she goes into a dissociative state and commits atrocities

A/n got that from this meme-

Therapist- I- anyways let's go to Ava next

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Therapist- I- anyways let's go to Ava next

Ava- ok

Therapist- you have 3 accounts of attempted murder, 3 accusations of being an extra terrestrial being, and also accused of helping Payton in some of her crimes.

Ava- who accused me of being extra terrestrial?

Payton, Rian, and Anna-....

Ava- die

Therapist- next, Anna.

Anna- yes?

Therapist- You're also accused of summoning demons, and also pretty much the same crimes as Payton. Rian, you're next

Rian- what

Therapist- you don't really have anything against you... why are you even here

Rian- to make sure they don't do anything stupid

Ava- you see, we all stop Payton from doing anything stupid, Rian stops everyone else from doing anything stupid.

Therapist- I see... does anyone want to talk about anything else?

Ava- I have a few thing to say, but I won't because *does a peace sign*

Payton- idk

Anna- can you euthanize humans? I want to out Payton out of her misery.

Ava- no me

Anna- you're right

Rian- guys, how about we not😅

Payton- guys, what do we do after this?

Anna- blow it up?

Therapist- are you guys ok?

Ava- no, sadly payton has terminal DBC. Anna is a god, Rian is sane. And I have depression so...

Therapist- um

Anna- me and my crotch goblins will be in our way now thank you, Payton is on her last days before the DBC gets to her

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