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Ava- *holding her leg on the ground and crying*

Anna- hey what happened?

Ava- I broke my leg can you call an ambulance

Anna- oh I'm sorry, but I don't talk to broke b*tches
Payton- *playing animal crossing in the store*

Rian- Payton the stores about to close...

Payton- stfu I'm fishing
Trinity- *kidnapped Rian and calling Payton* Payton, we have your son

Payton- oh ya? Well we have your daughter?

Trinity- wha?

Bo- hey trinity, have you seen Res?

Trinity- *crushes phone in motherly rage*
Payton- *at Anna's new restaurant that she made for some reason* and I would like 3 Coke cans please

Anna- why don't you just get 3 water cups, you can just put coke in them at the soda machine

Payton- really? Why not?

Anna- *pulls out gun* your under arrest, book em boys!

*Ava and Rian start beating Payton with books*
Anna- looks like my plan went smoothly

Rian- you literally just shot Payton multiple times

Anna- that was my plan
Rian- these roasted vegetables taste so good!

Payton- we actually have a unique roasting method...

Anna- *in the kitchen talking to vegetables* you will never be special and were created to be eaten by us.
Ava- Payton, don't you say it...

Payton- say what?

Ava- you know...

*brief moment of silence*

Payton- patato (pah-tah- toe)

Zomjo- *licks wall* this wall tastes like dirt!
Payton-ok the pizzas ready *looks at oven* ugh this is the worst part

Payton- *picks up pizza tray with bare hands* AHHHHHHHHHH

Anna- *doing the 'questioning my existence' face*
Payton- *standing on top of police station* I'm above the law
Anna- hit children, not juuls
Ava- I hate myself

Anna- as you should
Ava- *dies cutely*

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