"Then your not doing a fine job of that," I mutter, but I could tell he heard me by the narrowing of his eyes.

"Aubree, right?" I nod my head in answer. "Aubree I just don't want anything to cause all of this not to happen. Some of us don't exactly come from a stellar background." I make a note to find out all that I can about his background. "For some of us this is all we have," he says the last part more softly. If only he know how important this all is to me. Maybe he would treat me differently if he knew I felt the same way.

I more then only want them to succeed. I want them to go to the top. Some of my reasons why are purely selfish, but still I want them to be successful for themselves.

I clear my throat, "Ryder we have the same goals. I want Steel Wolf to be at the top too and will do everything within my power to make your dream a reality."

He stares at me as though he was attempting to measure my worth on those five seconds. Whatever he found he must have agreed with because he says, "okay. I won't say welcome to the family because you have yet to prove yourself. But for now I will put my trust in you."

Ryder steps around me to leave, but before he does I call out, "I promise I won't let the band fail. Even when the bands personal actions puts the band in jeopardy. My promise to you and the band I will always be there to pick the pieces up. I won't let you fail."

He nods his head and exits the room leaving me there to my thoughts. I can't believe I made that promise. Will I even have the opportunity to keep my promise or will they drop me like all the others before? I hate sounding so sappy. 

Nervously I run my fingers through my hair and give myself a pep talk. Aubree you need to let go everything that happened in the past. You cant approach every day as though the band is going to drop you. Every day is a new day for your to prove your worth to not only the band, but also yourself. You can do this. You have to do this. Failure is not an option. 

Once I have more control of my emotions and I know I won't fall apart on the way home I exit the room. While I walk towards the exit I can hear the lady typing away at her computer and I smile to myself. My spirts are much higher now then they were when I walked into the office. 

On the way home I decide to splurge and stop for some Chinese. Once I make it to my apartment I leave my food on the counter and go to my room to change into some comfortable clothes. I'll take tonight to relax and enjoy the fact I still have a job. Tomorrow the real work can begin. I need to make sure the band has a recording space for the album and start reaching out to my contacts to get them interviews. I also plan on getting a head start on mapping out their first tour. Nothing can be set in stone till the CD is about to be produced because too many things can happen to cause delays. Oddly enough it's easier to set up a tour then it is to cancel one.     

When I'm changed I head back into the kitchen to grab my food and head into my family room. I flip though Netflix trying to find something to watch while I eat dinner.

My evening goes well until my phone rings and I see a call from Adam. The first thought I had was why is he calling we haven't spoken in ages and I have no desire to ever talk to him again. I take too long to answer the phone that the call is sent to voicemail. I flop back into my seat thinking that crisis has been everted, but then the phone starts right back up again.

Not sure why I decide to hide the phone under the couch cushion, but I do because hiding the phone will stop him from calling me. I would have changed my number, but I've had it for so long that it wouldn't be practical. The phone stops ringing for a second time and I hold my breath hoping that is the end of that, but of course he calls again.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now