Family issues

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"I don't know what to do, Luna." Y/n said, holding her knees to her chest. Luna placed a hand over hers trying to comfort her. "He's leaving in a week, do you know how hard it's going to be to stay with him? We're never going to see each other, and even magic won't help that."

"You could break up with him." Luna said bluntly. "Or you could see if long distance works, through it usually doesn't." She scooted closer to Y/n and held her arms out. "Maybe you could save yourself the heartbreak by seeing how it plays out."

Y/n didn't say anything. Instead she hugged Luna, letting herself cry. The pair sat there for the next few hours, talking. Recently Y/n had gotten more emotional than she normally was. She never really showed her emotions too much, but now it was getting harder to control them.

Luna noticed this. It was odd. She had eventually brought it to Hermione's attention. She noted that in their first class of the day and around lunch, Y/n would feel sickish. They both chalked if you to Cedric leaving, and these were signs of a breakdown.

Y/n new herself enough to know something wasn't right. Two days after Cedric moved, she realized what was happening. She was slowly becoming bigger, smells she usually didn't mind wanted to make her throw up instantly, cramping even though it wasn't her period, she'd missed it that month. She knew what was wrong. She was pregnant.

Y/n laid in her room on her bed. Y/n, being a sixth year, knew all to well what these people would think of her. She knew what this would do to Cedrics reputation.

Y/n knew what she had to do.

That night Y/n left Hogwarts without a trace.

——— two years later———
Cedric went on to follow his fathers footsteps and work in the department of regulation and control of magical creatures, like his father. It was a nice job and he was good at it.

Luna, being a magizoologist, ran into him quite often. The two of them had an unspoken pact, never talk about Y/n.

In fact no one did. After she left there was speculation she was kidnapped, tortured, or she went psycho and ran away to find her ex boyfriend. None of which was true.

Y/n got a place to stay in France. Being 17 year old mother isn't easy. An older woman who live in a rural part of France took her in. She didn't have any kids and she didn't have any family, at this point neither did Y/n.

To stay all Y/n had to do was get a job. That's what she did. She left every morning to go to work at a cafe in Paris. Then she'd take a train home. Occasionally she'd buy a book or two and then bring the rest of her money home for food, rent, and items for the up coming baby.

Once the baby was born, it became easier to lose sleep, not eat, and cry. For both of the ladies and the baby girl, Charlie. Named after the one person Y/n looked up to. Charlie Weasley.

She'd met him once in her first year and knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. She wanted to join the ministry and work with magical creatures, but that all went down hill.

Today, Y/n had the night off. On nights like this, she'd take Charlie to the gardens in Paris, showing her the Eiffel Tower at night all lit up seemed to stop her crying.

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