"Fine, I'll tell you later with Tracey when we meet up at the library," I smirk as she groans at the thought of having to wait. "Where did Draco go?"

"How am I supposed to know?" She shrugs, staring at Draco's empty spot.

"Where's Tracey?" You ask, looking towards Terence, who sits beside Blaise.

"Probably over there with the sisters," Pansy sighs, uninterested at the thought of Daphne and Astoria. Both of your turn, searching for the Greengrass' finding them accompanied with Tracey's presence. "I always forget that they're friends," she glares at Daphne, who is most definitely unaware of Pansy's glower.

"They're in the same dorm. It'd be awkward if they weren't," you sigh, turning back around to face Pansy.

"Yeah, but-" her bitter glare hardens, refusing to look away from Daphne.

"Yeah, I know," you annunciate each word, popping your head in her gaze, obstructing the Greengrass view.

"Tracey, she should sit with us," Pansy decides, picking a green grape off of a vine.

"Sometimes she does, normally on the weekends," you reply, taking one of the many green grapes on Pansy's plate.

"Like permanently," Pansy adds, slapping your hand away from her grapes.

"Is our table invite-only?" You begrudgingly grab your own vine of grapes from a fruit platter.

"Absolutely," she says seriously but with a grin. She then looks around the Great Hall, searching for the time. Once she's found it, she grabs her books pilling them up in her arms, "Shit, I gotta go."

"Wait, what?" You ask, taken aback by her promptness.

"I have class," she begins walking backward, towards the entrance of the Great Hall. "Meet you in the library?"

"Meet you in the library," you call after her, waving goodbye.

As Pansy slips away into the corridors, you slide down the bench entering the boy's conversation.

"So you're finally dating Draco?" Adrian smirks, taking a sip from his cup of, most likely, contraband alcohol. You guess right when Adrian slips a glass bottle to Terence. He pours it into his cup then offers it to you, but you shake your head no. You aren't in the mood for a headache, not this early in the day.

"Finally?" You raise a brow, Blaise pockets the alcohol.

"You've liked him since when?" Adrian asks, stealing Pansy's grapes.

"If I tell you, you'll probably tell half the school," you reply smartly, swiftly picking off one of Pansy's grapes off her vine.

"Only took having to go through Diggory, Weasley, and McLaggen," Adrian counts on his fingers as speaks.

"The only guy I dated was Weasley," you correct his mistake, "And never did I ever hook up with McLaggen."

"Really?" Terence blinks while eating jam on toast.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pretty sure there's a rumor that you did," Terence shrugs, taking a quick glance at the Gryffindor table.

"That motherfucker," you sigh, glaring in Cormac's direction.

"You've gone through every house except for Ravenclaw, who's next," Adrian pauses, turning to see who your options are. "Lovegood?"

Blaise chokes on his drink, giving Adrian a stiff glare, but he keeps silent.

You take the chance, smirking as you speak, "Maybe I mean who knows? She's fucking hot," you tease, purposely aggravating Blaise.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now