New Families Arise

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They had been at the castle for a while now. Alec stayed holed up in his room with the two girls and Willow had been giving him the cold shoulder when he returned. Alec wanted Drusilla to learn what had happened and the truth.

Drusilla didn't much like it. She sort of fought Alec on these things but eventually all she could do was say, "Can I go home?"

"I'm sorry," Was the only thing Alec could tell her.

"Can you take me back to get my stuff?" She asked Alec.

"No, but I can send someone else for it," Alec promised this to her and within a few days Clerik came and met the girls and gave Drusilla some of her stuff, such as notebooks and stuffed animals and clothes. Some things she may have wanted.

Clerik had been the only other person allowed to be around the girls, Alec never left them alone when they needed food he sent Vippy to get it. One day while out of food for them and milk for the baby Willow stopped Vippy and she picked him up. He flopped like a cat like usual for her.

Tears were on her face and she picked him up. "Alec I know you can see this, I am sorry, I just, you know what they remind me of, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said and set Vippy down and walked away. Vippy continued on his food run and was confused when he returned and saw them all a little sad.

Soon the day came. The day Alec was to help slay the parents of the girls he had taken in. One who wanted to see her father and the one who would never know any other parents than that of Alec and Daniel. 

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें