Fighting Among Friends.

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"Don't do that again. It's nigh to treason." Wallace said to Alec as soon as her door was closed.

"Don't tell me what to do. She's my best friend and she's hurting. I want to help her. I'm done for tonight. But, listen, just take care of her alright, treat her well, keep her happy. If you do anything to hurt her, I swear on all things holy and unholy, I will bring my greatest wrath down upon you, do you understand?" Alec said remembering the uneasiness about him that Willow had had in her mind. And Alec wasn't joking.

"I've put you down once. I won't hesitate to do it again. We're all more than friends now. You're a Duke. She's the Queen. I'm to shield her from magic as the Court Wizard. I am trying to help her. But you don't have to come to everyone's aid." Wallace said.

"I know I don't fucking have to, but I do it anyway. I just want her to know I'm here for her, and I don't give a single shit what you'll do to me. Our political positions don't matter, above all she's my friend. I haven't had many of those in my life. I feel her pain, I understand what she's been through. And I will do whatever the fuck I can to prevent her from feeling what I had to." Alec's voice started to sound raspy as Wallace's anger boiled.

"Her pain isn't the same as yours. No one's pain is the same. It can be similar but never the same and everyone takes it differently. She has to suffer it for a time. So she can decide to prove him wrong. She cannot lead a country by being coddled. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is let them burn and pull them out of the ashes." He said and his fists clenched. Wallace was handling it the way he knew.

"You are strong in your devotion to your friends but if you hadn't noticed by being so vigilant in their defense you leave them open for further onslaught at future times." Wallace continued. "If you coddle and help her up now it'll only happen again and again. You defended Henry and though I don't know all that was said you cemented a decision Sam wasn't eager to make. I saw it when I read his thoughts. Love can be a mighty shield but it leaves that which it protects raw and weak without it. Give your love. But hold yourself accountable for what your love can do to others. You are a good friend but you don't fully understand that sometimes you need to step back."

"I'm aware it's not the same, but as you said it is similar. I'm not coddling her, I'm making sure she's okay. I'm not just going to push it away and let it continue to happen. Do you think I am a fool? I wish to help her grow stronger. And don't you fucking dare talk about what happened last night, you have no fucking right. I am stepping back, that is what I am doing right now. I just want you to take care of her, that is all. Don't hurt her. And please make your feelings apparent." Alec asked Wallace. Alec started to walk away.

"Find yourself a trusted steward. I think your soft heart will heart your head for business in running your rather large town" Wallace yells and starts to walk away too.

"I already planned on that dumbass! I know I'm not fit to run a town yet!" Alec called back, still walking.

"Then you're not as impulsive as your history tells" Wallace yells from down the Hall.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" He said walking back towards Wallace.

"It means you tend to act in your emotions over logic. You ignored threats against your life until almost dying, waited for your allies to nearly be killed before joining a fight, threatened a duchess with a knife, and decided attacking and trying to stab a holy warlord and self appointed ruler of a town with a army was a good idea because he made you feel bad! Also no more crying! You're a duke now and a grown adult. You're a politician now if you hadn't noticed. I hold no anger towards you but you should think how your actions affect those around you." Wallace said angrily. Turning to face Alec who stood not too far behind him.

" First of all, half of that was logically planned out! You don't know what the fuck is going on inside my head! You don't know my reasons for my actions! And don't you fucking dare talk about last night, you have no idea the kind of shit I have been through! You have no fucking right to judge my moments of weakness! I was well aware of the consequences of my actions!, And I fucking choose to do it anyway! I'm not some feral creature living on impulse, nearly everything I do is thought out beforehand! And you can fuck right off about crying! I have only cried twice this entire journey and I've had so much to cry about! You think I've been impulsive, you haven't seen fucking anything! Crying is a perfectly natural and healthy response to an influx of emotions! And I'm sorry that your too much of a fucking robot to be ablet to feel things! Don't tell me how to live my life!" Alec yelled this entire thing.

They didn't know the Queen they had just left alone was now sobbing hearing all those words spoken. Pure rage burned in both Wallace and Alec. "So you're just a fool then? You know what will happen and still choose these courses. You cannot demand immunity to scrutiny. We all live our own lives. All our lives are interwoven in however way the fates seem fit no matter what we'd wish. You cannot afford moments of weakness anymore. You are at a level now where who you make angry can cause civil war. You're not the only one to know pain. To be betrayed by those who raised you. To lose all you knew and all you held dear. The reason you keep having reasons to cry is because you let your emotions guide your actions in every way. You walk yourself into Fates own prisons. I pity you. Never demand others sympathy or validation for how you feel. You don't know the scars fate has left." Wallace said, his voice back to calm.

"I am no fool and I am demanding no such thing! Everything that happened was supposed to happen! I think in a way you clearly cannot understand! You don't not get to judge that which you don't understand! I don't give a shit about your fate bullshit! Moments of weakness are what make us real! Moments of weakness are what make us who we are! Without our moments of weakness, we are nothing but mindless drones! I'm not going to anger anyone who could cause a serious problem! And I never claimed to be the only one who knows pain! That is the most fucking bullshit things I've ever heard! And once again I tell you I do not let my emotions guide my actions! The reasons I've had to cry have had nothing to do with anything I've done! Fate is bullshit and I demand nothing of the sort! I'm well aware that other people have been through some shit, but that is no excuse not to face repercussions for their actions! Since you clearly struggle to understand I once again say my emotions to not guide my actions!" Alec said.

He had been talking so long and so fast that he had to take a breath. Wallace stood there smirking. If only they had known how Willow had felt they may have stopped arguing. "You haven't any idea what goes on in my head. I am one of the least impulsive people you will ever meet. And if you cannot understand that, then it is no one's problem but your own." He turns around, "this conversation is over, we haven't the time for arguments like these. I leave you with two things. Do not begin to even think you understand me. And take care of Willow, she needs someone right now, and I think that person will have to be you." He said and walked away again leaving Wallace.

"You said I had no right to judge you but it doesn't matter in the end. Everyone is judged on how they follow their fate by others on different paths entirely. But you only further prove my point in your impulse control." Wallace said. He turned to walk to his Lab.

"Dude, really, shut up about fate" Alec said, still walking.

"Fate guides all no matter your belief in it" Wallace said now in Alec's head.

"Fate has no hold over me because I do not let it." Alec replied telepathically.

"I like to think the same thing. But I know we are all puppets to it's strings" was supposed to be in Alec's head but it seemed to go unheard. 

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ