Hurried Help; Henry

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*Smut Warning*

I left the tavern that day. I went home to Kingsfoil and I felt remorse for the things I had done being part of the undying flame and of the way I had treated everyone Isabelle, and Moira I wasn't the person she knew. I doubt either of them love me anymore.

I was home for only a few days before there was a knock at my door. It was Moira. She had brought a Half-Elf along with her. I told them everything. I told them of the things that had happened and whispers of something that had happened to Isabelle. I wasn't sure anymore and I wanted them gone.

Moira stayed while the Half-Elf who's name was Gale went off to find the others and return with them. He brought them back and I told them everything. I removed my shirt and showed them the brand that was on my chest. The Tiefling lifted up his sleeve and showed his brand as well. I told them everything I knew.

I had finished talking and they told me of these Kobolds they had scared in Dragons Mead. Sam and Clerik had decided that they were going to go back and start building an army and a safe place. The others left but Moira stayed. I told her she could stay. I slept on the couch or was supposed to. But she was so beautiful while she slept. I climbed into bed with her and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. She was mine. I wasn't gonna ruin this one too.

The next morning we were ready to set on our way. We had gained two new companions, and a man who seemed to have many faces and a goliath. We traveled through Dragon's Mead. I stopped to thank Clerik and Sam. And we continued on our way.

Alec led with his wolf things seemed to go well for most of the trip. Until there was a loud screech and out from trees and an Ettercap ran towards us. We took him out easy but more came for us. They would grab us. I chased one that had taken Moira and we both ended up trapped. It was bad. Finally Wallace the man with many faces used his illusions and scared them away. We were finally free of them. Though we waited for the Goliath to hack apart the ones that had died and taken their silk.

We headed on. We camped at the edge of the forest in the clearing. I kept Moira close. When we awoke in the morning we headed to Stone haven only to find it empty. The first thing they did was head for the homes to take stuff. I disapproved as did the goliath but I didn't act on it. He argued with Wallace and they started attacking each other. I watched Wallace go down. I healed Wallace and I killed The Goliath. I killed the Goliath. What did I do? I killed him. I took off towards the docks.

The empty town helped me try to clear my thoughts but I killed someone who didn't deserve it. Moira came and she asked what was wrong and she wanted to know. I told her what I had done and I told her how bad I felt. She didn't care. So I stayed with her at the docks. I kissed her several times.

We went back to the town center Alec told us of the large claw marks on the back of the town hall as if there had been a dragon. The dragon. The one they had. Before we left a blonde man rode up on a white horse, when he grew closer he seemed to have some elvish features but some human as well. He must have been a half elf. He said hello and he told us of his travels and the dragon he has seen here once before. He joined us on our path to see what had happened to this town.

On our way our new companion Pan and the small girl Austerius played some music for us. Though it got a bit wild when Alec and Wallace decided to create dancing animals and such, it was un amusing they were drawing attention to us. I looked at Moira and was glad to see I wasn't the only one not finding this amusing.

After a lot of traveling. We reached a good stopping place. A plantation. Austerius looked very upset by the looks of it. She had been here before, and she wasn't here for a good reason. She told us later the owner of this plantation was a slave owner and she was once one of the slaves. The poor girl. She slept in the barn as she had when she lived here though the slave beds were no longer there. Pan slept in there with her.

Moira and I took the biggest room. She made the right choice, once we were alone I sat on the bed and watched as she searched the room for anything of Value. I waited and watched her. She was so beautiful. She came over and stood between my legs. She took my face in her hands and started kissing me. I could feel her warm curvy body pushing close to me. I felt it stiffen as I slid her down on the bed next to me.

I tugged on her dress a little she moved a little so I could slide it off of her, I threw it to the floor, she sat up and tugged on the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head, and she gave it a squeeze as I laid her back on the bed, oh I was so excited to finally have her. So much for Clerik and Sam's path to redemption. I thought as we quickly removed the rest of our clothing.

I felt her fingers go into my hair as I pushed into her. I heard her sigh softly as I kissed her neck and started moving my hips slowly pushing it into her. I could feel the way her body moved beneath me. I could feel the pressure build I was close.

I ran my fingers through her hair and I heard her breath moving faster and faster, I felt my whole body tense as I released into her. I took it out and rolled over next to her, we were both panting. I kissed her again and I pulled her close. It was nice to finally be this close to her. And redeeming myself I don't know how it was going anymore. 

The next morning when we came out of our room there was some broken glass from a window that had been shattered some time in the night, though by what circumstances I am unaware. And we headed on our way to the mountains.

The travel went well and the first night we stopped we got jumped by some Bandits. Easily they went down, though it was fearful watching how much joy it brought to Pan burning the bodies of the men we had killed. Sam and Clerik would be ashamed of my actions. The road to redemption is harder with a group of people like this, and a beautiful girl who loves me.

We headed for the mountains and made it before nightfall and we came to the doors in the mountain. Ones I had seen many times before. We headed inside and we were lucky there was no one. We came to some cages. In the first one was four children that Moira and Gale went to talk to. In the second one there was a Woman and her son. It must have been the Mayor of Kingsfoils family, she seemed bitter about what her husband had done. In the next was two women one was pregnant and the other seemed to be pacing, they looked very similar they may have been sisters. In the last there was a blue tiefling sitting in the corner with his eyes shut.

Wallace went to look for things and he disappeared down the other part of the cavern with a little girl. It was Drusilla. She was older than she was last time I saw her, it was bad it means Desmadona and Crimson were here too, while she talked to Wallace we hid behind an illusion. And I feared what he would find. I remember what they had planned and hoped that they had not yet carried those plans out.

We talked to the people in the cages each had their own stories of why they were here, none but the tiefling were branded. We heard footsteps coming down the cavern and hid again. We watched as Desmadona who was the leader and his wife and daughter left the place we didn't move till the doors closed. Soon Wallace came back with keys in had we released the people he led us down to where he had come from. There we dwarves chained and mining.

Wallace released them. He helped them and told them how to return home. It was silent except for the sound of someone screaming at the bottom of the cavern so we all went down. When we reached the bottom there was a poor person at the bottom with an arrow in his back and he seemed to have fallen. Wallace put him out of his Misery. In the three cages here there was in one pink tiefling horn Alec stood there with it in his hand just starring, that means he must have been her once as well.

In the second there was a corpse it looked like it had been here for years. In the last hug a Woman tattered and the shackles looked to be burning into her wrists. It was Isabllea.

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat