The aftermath; Henry

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When I awoke the next morning I was still in shock at what Moira had told me last night, but I couldn't think too much about it now we needed to get going, we were to meet in the town center with the rest of the group to decide where we were going to go.

Moira didn't seem much different than usual I guess she wouldn't. I don't think she's told anyone else, and things went as normal. We got into the center of town and Rosalind and Harrison were there, he was upset she was leaving and Rosalind seemed to be too. So I offered Harrison to join us, and both their faces lit up. I told Rosalind to tell him what we had done and what we were doing and she spoke to him while we waited for the others.

Wallace showed up next and stood silently probably plotting his next prank. Alec arrived with fluffy not too much later fluffy still wore his bow tie. Alec sat on the ground and talked to him while we waited, Gale arrived and he had bags full of stuff. I didn't want to know where he had been to fill his bags like that. Asterius came next, she looked tired still, she came towards us yawning and rubbing her face.

We waited a long time and finally Isabelle and Pan came. Isabelle didn't look good, she looked pale and she had pulled her cloak around her I suppose for warmth and Pan had an arm around her and she leaned close into him. But then we were all there.

We discussed where the cult may have ties left since we had destroyed most of them and had notified Clerik and Sam to make sure they looked into these places once in a while to make sure everything was in order still. Here's what we knew, We knew where their base was but we thought it best to clear them out of the mainland before the base so they couldn't re-group somewhere else. We had not gone to Ballhalla which was across from Calamus. We hadn't been to Berryville or Lithrendir where the king lived, those two places were farther than Ballhalla was but we stood around and argued for a while.

Before we could make a decision there was this sound that sounded like stones falling to the ground. All around us there were gargoyles, the four that we had gotten rid of a few days ago. They circled us and looked across us. They stopped their circling the one seeming to be the leader and he looked at Wallace and said "You weren't here last time,"

"I wasn't, I'm new," Wallace replied.

"Yeah he is," added Alec.

The gargoyle didn't seem to believe either of them. And Wallace seemed to know, so he turned to the leader again and I wish to question him someday how he could do that. He lifted dirt out of the ground and raised himself up. "How dare you defy my orders!" he said and the gargoyle looked right at him.

"We no longer work for you!" he growled and pounced on Wallace biting down hard on his neck. Then the fight was out, Asterius cast a spell and we were all pushed back and there were tears when Fluffy was thought dead, luckily Pan was able to heal us all for a bit, a lot of people were having a hard time getting the gargoyles, Wallace and I did the most Damage till Alec pulled something out of his Bag.

It was a long cloak that looked like the sky, he pulled some stars off the cloak and he threw them towards the gargoyles. And they were so big and made of stone they failed to move in time. Once there was one left Wallace buried it in the ground. And he looked at it angrily, nothing happened he huffed and said "kill it" Alec used the stars on his cloak again.

Then it was over. We had made a mess of this poor town. Everyone started to walk away and left a couple gold near the gargoyle hoping that Gale wouldn't see them. We decided to go to Ballhalla. Alec said "Guys follow me," there were several arguments due to us not having a boat.

We got to an empty dock and everyone looked confused as Alec pulled a small token shaped like a little Swan Boat and dropped it in the water and as it hit the water it turned into a large boat the same style as the token. We were all awed by this. Alec came across the coolest things.

We climbed on the boat and we were on our way to Ballhalla. It would take us about a day to sail there. This was sure to be great. 

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