Princess Willow

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I watched out the Window, they were setting up a party for me, my twentieth birthday was in a few days, and like the past four years of my life I wasn't allowed to participate. Spike's tail was swinging in front of the window. I didn't have enough energy to call out and tell him to move it.

I didn't really have time before the window on the other side of the room broke as something fell into my room, screamed for these sounds had broken the serenity I was used to, I saw a blur of color then it was gone. Spike stuck his head in and asked in Draconic "Did you see it?"

"No, well, yes it was here then it was gone and I don't see anything now." I told him replying in Draconic. He huffed and sat up. I heard him roar loudly and angrily yelling traitor. And took off from the tower I watched him dive down and come back up and fly towards the gate.

"Hi, I'm Wallace Wayfair," A figure who had just formed right beside me said just as a voice in my head said "Don't worry we are here to rescue you!" I screamed, where are these people and voices coming from?

"Is that your voice in my head?" I yelled at the man who said his name was Wallace.

"Alec stop that!" he yelled out the Window. It seemed a response came from nowhere. And they seemed to argue for a moment before the other voice disappeared. Wallace came to me lifting the opening on his helmet so I could see his face. "Shall we get you out of here?" he asked me.

"Um. Yeah," I said he picked me up in almost a bridal carry.

"You're going to want to hold on," he said as he jumped out the Window. I put my head into his shoulder clenching my teeth trying not to scream again and I held on tight. He whispered a few words and dropped a feather and we started to slow and I felt him hit the ground but I held on for just a moment longer. I looked up at him and I let out a little laugh and I let go and he set me on my feet.

Looking around there were people surrounding us, I saw two giant eagles take off in the direction the dragon went, and around the crowd and applause I saw a Half-Elf yelling for the man that had rescued me. But soon the crowd grew larger and the sounds and applause grew louder. Something must have been wrong I wanted to know. 

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora