Festival; Isabelle

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The festival was beautiful. We had lifted the cults hold from the town and it was a good night to celebrate. We went to the stands. It was beautiful, it was like a whole carnival. There were games and stands and it was so beautiful.

Pan asked if I wanted to play some games. I thought that would be so much fun! He walked up to this stand and it was one copper piece to take five shots. You'd get the whole pot if you got a bullseye. I watched Pan take his five shots and none hit the bullseye so he paid another copper to try again and he didn't make the shot. He asked me if I would like to try so he put the last piece of copper he had in. I picked up the gun and I didn't know how to work it. Pan told me what to do and I took the gun. I aimed and I fired. I hit a bullseye. First try.

Everyone around cheered and the man handed me the copper that was in the pot. Pan hugged me, he was happy but I also think he was a little jealous that he shot ten times and didn't get it. I hugged him and I gave him a kiss and I smiled. "Here" I said and gave him back his 3 copper. I kissed him again.

I broke the kiss when I heard a woman start calling "Allie! Allie where are you?" Then I'd hear a man's voice call the same thing. Pan and I looked at eachother and we went to the woman. "Miss, can we help you?" I asked her.

"Um.. My daughter is missing her name is Allie, she's six and she has blonde hair and the biggest blue eyes." The woman told me.

"Okay we will help you find her." I told her and Pan whistled for Whitney. We realized four people on a horse wouldn't work so Pan Wildshaped into a horse and the couple got on his back while I rode on Whitney. I used a spell to find her. I followed the spell till we got out into the woods.

There I saw Moira and Gale, she was holding the kids arm and looked upset when we got there. They had some loot. I wasn't sure where they had just gone, but their bags were stuffed, and Gale and his shinnies. Pan returned to his half-Elf form and I slid off of Whitney. He caught me in his arms and gently set me on the ground with a kiss on my cheek, "Gale leave," Pan said and held out ten Gold to him.

"Okay!" Gale said and took the gold leaving us.

Pan went to go start yelling and getting upset with Moira. She had taken the child because she said that she and Henry were now engaged and that she wanted to have a child to be the flower girl. I put my hand in front of Pan's chest. "Hang on, Love." I said to him. He obliged.

"Moira," I walked towards her and pulled her towards the opposite edge of the clearing. "Why did you take this child?"

"I just, I needed a flower girl, and I don't know anyone with kids, and I don't really know, I thought it would be good to have a scared little girl throwing petals," she told me. It seemed a bit strange but I could understand. I went through trying to have the perfect Wedding, even though I never wanted to marry this man in the first place.

"It's okay, but think, if you had a kid and someone took them, how would you feel? Why didn't you just ask someone if they would be willing to let their kid do it?" I asked her. She was holding the girls arm and the girl looked so scared.

"Because it was more fun this way." She said. I shook my head and looked at the parents and Pan who stood near Whitney.

"I think you should talk to her parents." I said. Then I turned and walked towards Pan, "Come on," I said and we started to walk away leaving Moira alone with the child and her parents.

"Do you think that's the best Idea?" Pan asked me.

"I don't know, but I think she needs to try and rationalize things on their own. She's stressed and planning a wedding and she's happy and excited and confused. I know what it's like sort of I went through that myself." I told him. We stopped in the path and I took his hands. "She needs to figure it out."

"Alright," he said. Then he kissed me.

"Though I think we should stay close just in case something goes wrong." I told him. He sent Whitney back to town. And we sort of hid in the bushes near the side of the trail listening for sounds, but not really, mostly kissing, well more like making out a lot.

We heard three sets of footsteps come by, it must have been the family, they must have been together not long after we heard a single set of footsteps who must have Moira returning. We decided we didn't need to be here any longer after a few more long kisses.

We walked back to the Inn hand in hand where we were staying and we went to sleep. It was cold that night, so he held me close under the blankets and I fell asleep wrapped in his arms all cozy and warm.

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें