Date Night!

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Rosalind and Harrison.

The two sat down to a nice dinner in a small place that Moira had told them they should try. Generally it would have been hard to get into but Moira had connections. They had a meal of fish and they talked quietly.

"So how has my girlfriend been?" Harrison asked causing Rosalind to blush at being called his girlfriend.

"Good," She said softly. Rosalind had spent a lot of her time with Moira helping her out and hanging around the castle.

The night went well and they ate quietly. They would look up at each other and blush and laugh. They would make small talk. It was a nice night for the two. They went and laid in a nice grass field and stargazed for a while. The two shared some kisses before returning to their place at the castle.

They went to sleep in a cuddled embrace happy that their date had gone well.

Moira and Henry.

Moira was now 8 and a half months pregnant Henry didn't want her to go anywhere just in case. So they did a small date in their room, Henry had the servants bring a nice large dinner considering how much Moira ate.

He even had them bring wine glasses with Juice in them for her since she couldn't drink and she made it so she could sort of act like she was drinking. They had a nice night Henry was smiling, something that was hard to come by for him lately.

They talked about baby names for a little but it was hard to decide when they didn't know what it would look like or if it would be a boy or a girl. They spent the night talking and Henry even put his hand on Moira's stomach to feel the baby kick.

They went to sleep very late that night but both seemed happy with their small date.

Gale and Everly

With some help from Austerius Gale had picked out a pretty yellow dress that he would give to Everly. He met up with her and they were silent for a while until Gale said "I went to get a gift for you today,"

"Will you tell me what it is? Or is it some big secret?" She asked Gale teasingly. She seemed different than when Moira was around but still quiet and cautious.

"Well it's a dress," Gale said and pulled the yellow dress out of his bag. "I hope you like it."

"It's yellow! My favorite color!" Her eyes lit up as she took it from the, "Thank you Gale I love it!" She exclaimed, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome I'm glad you like it!" Gale responded.

"So, uh Gale I wanted to tell you that I might be gone from now on." She seemed to grow nervous at this comment.

"Why's that?" He asked her, concern crossed his face.

"Moira has decided that she will let me decide if I want to stay with her or not. If I stay she offers to pay me more than I make now" Everly explained. "I don't know if I want to leave cause I want to help her, but I also have a sick father at home and I'm worried about him," She added.

"If you want I can help support you and even come along to help with your father," He said.

"That's awfully sweet Gale, but I also want to stay for other reason" She said

"What reason may that be?" Gale asked

"I've always wanted to get the opportunity to work for my money, I've always despised people who got money for doing nothing" She said "No offense." She added a little scared about what she said to him. "Also I don't mind working with Moira. She's decent sometimes. I'll be fine, I just want to be able to say that I've made my money without help from anyone,"

"Well as long as she doesn't hurt you and let's you go on your own when you need to I think it'll be fine but the decision is up to you as you do have a father" He said.

"I wanted to ask moira if I could let them stay at the castle but I'm afraid of what she will say." Everly played with her hair nervously.

"Well it doesn't hurt to ask if she says no you can always regroup and make another decision" Gale said softly.

"True, True I'm sure it will be fine she's been being weirdly nice towards me lately. which worries me a lot But besides that I should be fine," she said.

"I've heard she got in trouble and is trying to be nicer," Gale told her.

"No it has nothing to do with you guys at all In fact she still believes she did nothing wrong, I think it has more to do with her baby she's worried about" Everly explained to Gale. "I really like this cafe, it's so cute with the dragons!" She added on a lighter note.

"It definitely is what do you think you're gonna order?" Gale asked her.

"I dont know there's too much good stuff," Everly replied. "I think some fish if they have any" She decided.

"I think I'm gonna get the creme brulee. I heard a dragon makes it!" Gale said excitedly.

"Oh actually that sounds good I'll have that instead," she said.

"What have you been doing Eve?" Gale asked her.

"Hanging with my family, working at the castle, same old same old," She replied drearily.

"May I ask what tasks Moira has you do and what she does to you when you're 'misbehaving'" Gale asked.

"Well she hasn't done much to me before she did, but I'm pretty much well behaved if that's what you want to call it."

"Well I certainly hope she doesn't do anything to you," Gale seemed concerned about what may happen to Everly.

"No, not anymore" She assured him.

"This food is really good," Gale said, changing the subject.

"Thank you. I'm really enjoying myself and thank your friend for me," She told him.

"I will tell her that you enjoyed it! Is there anything you'd like to do after?" He asked her.

"Anything that involves staying with you," She smiled and a red blush spread across her cheeks.

"Well we can make that work," Gale said. And they spent the rest of the night wandering the city and they even kissed in the moonlit garden of the palace before he walked her home and kissed her one last time returning to his room in the palace.

Willow and Wallace.

Their night was simple. Wallace took her to the beach and laid out a picnic for her. He pulled out some sandwiches and even a bottle of wine while sitting on the beach. "Wallace, you know I can't drink that right?" she asked him.

"I know, but it's not wine," he said and poured some in a glass for her. "Try it," he said. So she took a sip.

"Wallace, it tastes like wine?" She told him.

"I know, it's grape juice, but I used magic to make it taste like wine," he told her. She nodded and took another sip.

They spent the rest of their night on the beach eating and drinking wine. They laid in the sand on the beach until the tide came in and it got too cold for them to be there. So they returned to the palace and went into his lab and into the egg and returned to the beach to lay there and stargaze a while longer before going to bed.

Austerius and Alec.

We cannot leave anyone out for date night. Even though Alec had Daniel he was back at home in Callmus and Austerius. She had Ruby, though it wasn't official there were some assumptions, who was back home in Kingsfoil.

They decided they were going to go bar hopping. They started their drinking back at the palace before everyone left. Each bar they would walk into they would yell "We're here, We're queer, and we want beer!" And they would have a drink each before moving on to the next bar.

By the end of the night they were wasted. They were the last ones back at the palace. They walked around the halls in the dark tripping and cursing and laughing before they got to their rooms, with the help of Vippy and Fluffy.

If the others had not been fast asleep in their beds content and happy the two may have woken some people up on their arrival. 

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora