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This group of people was strange. I followed them to their next place. They wished to speak to the duchess though we already had people there. The Tiefling and The two elves and the human girl Moira, yeah Moira married to Henry, the angel, they went to the duchess while we went to the camp. But apparently we went to the duchess now too.

We met Moira on the way and she told us how things had gone very badly for them when they tried at first and she was alone now because Isabelle took off to the beach and Alec went to the forest with fluffy both seemed very angry when they went.

She tried to get Wallace to change his mind but he insisted on going back and trying to change his mind but it didn't work. He stayed true to what he wanted. We all went since we were all done up in our uniforms Moira followed behind us. But she told us how much of idiots we were, I didn't know what to do but following Wallace seemed the best choice.

We arrived at the Duchess's house and there were guards in the yard and at the door, Wallace spun his lies as quickly and easily as a spider spun its webs. They seemed to believe what he said and allowed us to come to the door. We knocked the door cracked open then closed again. A few minutes later the Duke opened the door. "What do you want?" He yelled at us.

"Sir do you know where your Captains?" Wallace asked.

"No! I don't! I don't have time for this!" he yelled at us. Wallace seemed unfazed by this yelling. "My wife got attacked today and I know they are missing. I've known all morning when a messenger came running to my house, and that's what I've been doing all day, I don't appreciate being harassed like this. Now leave!" He said and slammed the door in our face.

Rosalind flinched at the sound of the door. But i think we all did except for Wallace, he walks down the steps and out of their yard and says "Whelp time to get the army and storm the house." he said.

Luckily we were able to talk him out of it for the time being and he sent Rosalind to get Henry from the army camp, and find out where Pan and Isabelle were, those were the two elves I think. And no one said anything about the tiefling. We decided to meet up at the docks. I walked with Wallace, Austerius and Moira to the docks where we stood and waited for a while.

Soon Henry arrived and I looked around in anticipation of Rosalind, Henry laughed a little, "she went to find the others," he said to me putting a hand on my shoulder then he went to Moira. He wrapped his arms around her and put his face to hers and started kissing, I had to look away from them. It felt like it was something intimate not for anyone else's eyes.

Eventually the elves came with Rosalind they were holding hands, all these people happy I just wanted to be like that with her so I hugged her when she got here even though she didn't look like herself she was still beautiful. I stood there and I pulled her close and I pushed some of her hair out of her face and traced her face lightly and I kissed her softly.

Wallace said something and we all looked up to see that he had written "Alec, You are wanted, Meet at docks" We all went back to our own little activities. And it seemed like a long time before Alec finally came we could hear him make an exasperated sound when he got here at the sight of the couples making out, and I swear I could feel Wallace rolling his eyes.

Now that Alec was here we all went to planning. We learned tha Isabelle and Pan had been invited to dinner. Wallace took that to be that all of us were that seemed to Frustrate her a little and Pan grabbed her arm to calm her. Eventually we decided that they would go to their dinner and learn all that they could and we would go do our stuff.

Moira wanted to visit some relatives and Henry was gonna join her, and Wallace followed them. Rosalind, Gale, Alec and I went to the general store, and Austerius went to the camp, we split up. Heading to the small shop Rosalind argued with Gale the whole time threatening him if he was gonna steal from her hometown.

We got the stuff we needed and Alec dragged gale out of the store. Rosalind stayed and asked the shopkeeper about her family. She seemed to grow saddened by these words. I grabbed her arm and we left when we got outside, I gave her a hug. We decided to get a room at the small Inn here, she wasn't ready to see her parents just yet. 

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon