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We were doing several things today, currently we were headed to the tailor along with Wallace and Gale, they were all going to get their Hydra scales sewn into fancy cloaks. We walked in and the woman recognized us all instantly except for Gale who had never been in there before.

"How can I help you all?" she asked us. Wallace asked for a cloak made out of the silk she had bought from him, she was pleased to make it and even gave him a discount. Pan and Gale got the same thing but for full price and she said she would have them done by noon the next day. She looked at me expectantly and shook my head. We left the store and we left the others behind and headed to the magic shop, crossing paths with Austerius who was just leaving.

I looked around the shop while Pan tried to sell the eyeballs he took from the hydra, sadly he couldn't get anything for them so we left, there was nothing I needed or could afford anyway. "Let's see if we can find a music shop," he said to me.

"That sounds like a good idea," I told him. We walked through town for hours looking for the shop by the time we found it the sun was starting to fall, though the fact that we would stop and kiss at some points didn't help us on finding it quickly. We walked inside and there was a small halfling woman playing a Lute.

"How can I help you?" she asked us.

"Do you have a banjo?" he asked her.

"I do, let me go get it from the back," she told Pan and left to go get it. While she was gone he picked up a nice hand held harp.

"I think I should get this too," he said and strummed the strings a little. It was a beautiful sound they made. I nodded and smiled.

"I think you should." I said to him. He wrapped an arm around me pulling me close and squishing me, I giggled and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

The halfling returned with the banjo and Pan took it, he paid her the coin she asked for the two instruments and we left the shop, it was dark and she closed the shop after we left. We decided to go back to the Inn and get the top room the same way I did last time. "Did you see how cute that baby was earlier?" I asked him.

"I did, she was an adorable little thing," He said and looked at me with a huge smile.

"I think I want one someday," I said sort of just thinking allowed,

"A baby?" He asked me.

"Yes, a baby," I replied.

"If you want one I could help you with that," he said to me with a wink. We kissed passionately there in the street then soon ran to get our room so that we could possibly make a baby.

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu