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I had been here for four days. Four days. The whole time these idiots didn't notice I was gone. The kingdom was burning and being run by Moira, even worse Wallace. How of all people did Wallace not know I was gone for four days? He was probably screwing his intern happy to be free of his wife.

It was strange the Castle was completely empty. Each day Lucky would cook meals for us. He kept reminding me that something was my favorite food. I don't know what this stuff he was even feeding me was. I mean. It was good but still.

And it was terrible to think cruelly of my friends this way, but, I just hated it here. And I was wondering why it took so long for them to come. They were prepared for something like this weren't they? I hated the nights I had been here four nights, I had to sleep in the same bed as Lucky, he would try to kiss me and hold me. I didn't let him. I hated it. I missed Wallace.

I didn't even have books to read here. It was worse than before. Lucky would spend all day feeding me memories of things I didn't remember. And he kept asking me about the baby, what baby? I didn't understand. About noon on the fourth day and he came in a trail of friends I recognized well except for one.

I looked over each one of them as Lucky introduced me as his Queen. My eyes lingered on the one I didn't recognize. I assumed that it was Wallace and I was yelling in my head Wallace, get me out, I want out. Out. I hate it here and what the heck took you so long! But he made no reaction. That meant he wasn't using that weird thing he did to look into my head. Obviously no one was.

Alec bowed taking my hand "Nice to meet you M'lady," he said and gave me a wink. Lucky seemed very happy. He looked at Pan intently.

"You look very familiar," Lucky said to Pan, and pan agreed that Lucky too looked a little familiar to him.

"Would you like to play a card game?" Pan asked around. Lucky seemed very happy and very excited.

"Come, I have the perfect room for this," he said and he put an arm over my shoulder and he went for a kiss on my cheek, but I shied away. He looked disappointed but seemed to understand.

There had to be something in there that told him that this was wrong that I was not the right person. But he seemed to ignore whatever it was and led us all to this room. There was a big circular table and some cards lying around Pan and Austerius and Alec all took a seat. I stood against the wall.

The winter Elf that I had assumed was Wallace came over and stood near me. "Wallace?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "You like this look?" he asked me. I just raised an eyebrow in reply.

"You left me here for four days," I said. "How do you not notice I was gone that long? I even watched him write the note, how do you not know?" I asked him.

"We came as soon as we could," he said.

"Oh yeah four days is soon and quick?" I asked, growing agitated.

"Willow, it hasn't even been a day," Wallace told me. I shook my head.

"No, I've been here for four days?" I told him.

"Time works differently Willow, you have been here four days, but outside the realm in our realm, it hasn't even been a day yet, we came quick," he said. He grabbed my fingers giving them a squeeze.

"And that's why they call me Lucky!" He said as everyone else threw down their cards in disappointment. 

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