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*Warning smut*

I woke up the next morning. It seemed later in the morning than I usually did, Wallace was out of bed and moving around. I sat up a little, I was still in my clothes from the night before, "Wallace?" I asked it coming out as a whisper, I didn't keep my eyes open long enough to see him turn towards me. I felt him come over and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Go back to sleep," He whispered. I felt him brush his fingers through my hair and kissed my temple. I heard the door shut lightly, and I drifted off. When I woke up again I decided to clean up and head downstairs.

Once I did, I wandered around. I couldn't find anyone till I came to Austerius who seemed to be waiting nervously by the stairs to the dungeon. "What's going on?" I asked her.

"Well Clerik and Alec went down there fighting, then Wallace came and I think Moira and Henry were down there already," She told me.

"Should I go down there?" I asked her.

"Yeah, that would probably be best," she told me. And so we headed down. I saw Alec blocking the door to the torture chamber with his body and Clerik standing there arguing with him.

"Just let me inside. I want to talk to him," Clerik said to Alec. Wallace popped his head out of the door.

"Something going on out here?" He asked, again Clerik asked to speak to him. At this Austerius and I walked and stood on either side of Alec. Clerik seemed to grow more angry as we did. I heard Wallace ask to be left alone in the room with my father.

"Just let me talk to him?" Clerik asked.

"No," We all seemed to say at once.

"Wallace is in there probably like reading his mind!" Alec said. "There is nothing more you can get."

Clerik tried to walk off. I took out my whip and I cracked it then I used it to wrap around Cleriks neck, he was stuck and he wasn't able to breathe. "Open one of the Cells!" I yelled to no one in particular. One was opened and I pulled Clerik into the cell. Wallace had pulled some shackles out of his bag and placed them on Clerik.

I removed everything from him. I asked him for the talisman, he said no, I grabbed it off his neck and it was so painful to touch this thing. I smashed it to the ground. "See how you like your precious talisman now!" I screamed at him as it smashed. He looked so sad.

I stormed out of the cell. I heard them following me. I felt Alec grab my arm, but I shrugged him off and kept walking. "Willow! Willow please stop!" He called after me. I didn't, I just kept walking. I walked outside. Through the garden, to a nice path, walked all the way down the path, one I hadn't walked in a long time. It led to a small pond with Lily-pads and fish and I sat down with my toes near the water.

Both Alec and Austerius sat down on top of the water from me. "What's the matter?" Alec asked, "Talk to me?"

"Alec, he was gonna ruin it, then I caged him and that stupid thing hurt me so I smashed it, and I want him dead I want to see his head roll." I said frustrated.

"Have you ever swam before?" Alec asked me to change the subject.

"No," I told him and both him and Austerius both made oh my gosh faces and Alec asked if there was a place a bit bigger to swim.

"Yes!" Austerius squealed. "I saw it yesterday when I was out here!" She said and took both of our hands and started to pull us along. We were pulled through the garden till we got to a larger lake. I remember feeding ducks here when I was little. Austerius slipped out of her shoes and ran for the lake, hopped and dove in gracefully.

Alec removed his shirt and pants and stood there in his undergarments and I looked down at my feet and put my toes in the water as Alec went into the water. He was far out swimming. "If you take the skirt off it will be easier," he told me.

I shook my head and I looked at Alec who came closer to me beckoning me to the water. I stood and shook my head when I was knocked into the water by a giggling Austerius. I was soaking wet. I tried to be angry but I couldn't help to laugh. Alec helped me up and he walked me in till the water reached my chest. My clothes were heavy. Alec sort of scooped me up and walked further into the water. He was like a foot taller than me so we went quite a ways.

When he stopped he told me to lay back and he helped me float on my back for a while. I watched as Austerius swam by. I got scared and I told him so he carried me all the way out of the water and set me on my feet. We decided we were gonna change then go meet up again.

Austerius walked me to my room. Before I entered I said "Thank you," and gave her a hug it was cold and we were both soaked through but it was still nice. Then I went into my room and changed. I left and decided to check on Wallace since I hadn't seen him since this morning.

I knocked on his door. He opened it looking frustrated "I. Uh. Came to see how you were doing. I uh, can go now." I said and started to walk away.

"No stay?" He asked, touching my arms. I nodded and went inside the room. I sat on the table cause there wasn't really anywhere else to sit. Wallace came over and touched my wet hair. "Seems like you've had some fun? Or was it an accident?"

"We had some fun, Alec and Austerius took me to the water, and they put me in the water and I was in the water." I told him, trying to explain.

"So they just left you there?" He asked.

"No, they took me there and they were trying to teach me to swim and Alec held on to me. I wasn't sinking." I told him.

"Sounds fun, let's get you some hot chocolate and warm you up." I smiled and he played with my hair while it dried and we waited for the hot chocolate, it was a while and I sat there smiling at him and giving him some kisses and watching as he worked when they came with the chocolate. I sat and watched him as I drank from the warm cup.

"Do you want to help me?" He asked.

"I don't know how much help I would be, my knowledge is mostly of dragons, none of that fancy magic stuff," I told him.

"I think you could," he said and put his fingers into my hair. I set the empty cup down and touched his face giving him a kiss. "You'd make a good distraction."

Our kiss deepened and I felt his fingers go all the way down to my ankle. He pulled up my skirt. I could feel his fingers trace up my calf then my thigh until my skirt was bunched at my hips. He slid his fingers into my underclothes and started to rub at me. I giggled and kissed him harder.

He teased me a little and stuck his fingers inside, he moved my underwear out of the way and he took it out quickly putting it inside me. I could feel him moving inside me. I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned. I went back to his lips, and one of his hands went into my shirt and started to play with my breasts then there was a knock at the door.

We stayed silent hoping that they would go away. Instead Austerius opened the door, all the way, and her eyes went so wide at the sight of me and Wallace there like that. I put my forehead against his and cursed and hoped she would leave, I could feel him inside me still.

She turned around and left the room. Leaving me and Wallace once again. We continued, his lips went to my neck biting at my neck and sucking on it lightly as he moved inside me.

There was another knock. I groaned putting my forehead to Wallace's and took it out of me. After he put it away he fixed my skirt and opened the door. Alec stood there. I bruised some invisible dirt off of my dress and pulled on my top to fix it.

"Willow we need to talk, it's important," he said. Oh no, Austerius told him I'm so gonna get scolded. I thought. When we were outside the room he started to speak "Okay, so, can we let clerik out? There are rules, he doesn't get his stuff back and he has to stay near me and he is not allowed to speak to you or get in the way of your plans," he told me everything so fast I was a little confused, and my brain was still reeling from my time with Wallace and Austerius's appearance.

"Yeah, I guess," I said. Alec left quickly. I stayed there staring at my toes in front of the door. I wanted to go back to finish, but I didn't want to get caught again, but I also had meant to talk to Moira. I just stood staring at my feet. I wanted to cry. 

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