"On account of my deficiency of experience, no company here in Seoul is willing to accept me. KMG Entertainment hired me because they think I have potential. I didn't wanna turn it down. They're afterall the best in the industry you know." I meet his eyes as I bring out words that I think might, just might be enough to convince him for the time being.

"We don't trust him anymore. What if he has some kind of ulterior motive behind this?" He says almost immediately.

I take one step forward and place my hands on his shoulder. "You trust me right?" I say. He groans, like all of it is making him majorly frustrated. "Yeah, but-"

"Listen to me Chan. You can't tell anybody about this until I tell them myself. This conversation must stay between us only. Please, do this much for me." I plead, agitated.

He releases a heavy breath and silently contemplates upon my plea. "You promise you won't get hurt in any way? Mingyu hyung isn't as harmless as you think he is," He trails off. "You'll be alright, right?" He says after a long pause.

"I promise. You don't need to worry. I'll be fine." I strongly assure him, but I think he is still vacillating between keeping it secret and telling the others right away.

"Pinky promise?" He says, drawing out the pinky finger of his right hand. I find it a bit childish and cute at my age, but if that what it takes him to believe my words then so be it.

We lock our pinkies and seal our promise with our thumb. "Pinky promise."

He slowly walks towards the dining table and places the empty glass there. "Even after what he said to you, you decided not to resent him and now you're working for him. You must really love him." He murmurs as he heads to his room.

His words travel all the way down to my stomach. I wasn't thinking about it after we left the cafe, however now that he has mentioned it, Jae's words from earlier commence to hover around my mind. They restlessly repeat themselves again and again.

Don't give up on him,

You guys aren't broken yet, you're just bent,

He might have had his reasons for being like that;

Don't give up on him,

Don't give up on him.

I need to stop. My brain needs to stop.

I try my best to brush it off and climb the stairs that lead me to my room. I twist the doornob. I reach out for the lights and Lord, what looms out from the darkness makes me scream out of fright.

Let me rephrase that. Not what, who.

"Holy mothefucking crap, Wonwoo!"

He was sitting on the edge of my bed, wearing an oversized white t shirt and red sweatpants, looking like a deadass vengeful ghost who was waiting for it's prey to arrive.

"Why the hell were you sitting in the dark like that!"

"When I came here it was daylight. I felt lazy later to turn it on. Did I scare you alot?" He says calmly, in contrast to my horrified state.

"You scared me enough to flood this house with holy water." I press my palm against my chest and release a slow breath through my mouth. He ducks his head and titters.

I sit beside him. For a minute, we just stare at each other. It feels like it's been ages since we last saw each other. The glow from his face is gone. He looks worn out. It's written all over his face that he has worked his ass off for the last few days.

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora