dark plans

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"It was an enchanted Dark object. A necklace. I have it hidden for now because I wasn't sure how to destroy it." Regulus reveals.

The order had gathered back together, this time with Dumbeldore present.

"Harry, Amber. Do you two think you could dig up information in the library?" Remus asks.

"I mean.. that's Hermione's department." I say with Harry nodding in agreement.

"Ah Ms. Granger would do well. I can write her a note for the restricted section." Dumbledore chimes.

"Molly, don't hate me for saying this, please. I think Ron and Hermione need to sit in on this. They'll be the ones by Harry's side in the end anyway." I say.

"No. They are just children. I don't like that you two are involved." Molly huffs.

"I think you're right, Amber." Harry finally speaks up.

The crowd looks at him and wants to hear his reasoning.

"They've been through everything with me. Hermione is the brightest witch of our age. There isn't a chance to deny that." Harry says.

A small murmur goes around the room. Presumably about the two "children" joining.

"We might be children as you say, but that doesn't change the fact that Voldemort is here. He's going to be looking for children to join his forces. I think we need to conisder that and start finding... younger members, as well." I speculate.

We knew what was coming. There was no denying it.

"Amber, I'm inclined to agree with you. Either these children get some training or ultimately go into battle defensless." Sirius backs my statement. Ever the Gryffindor, that man.

"What if we reform DA?" Harry suggests.

I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and see George take the seat next to me. I hadn't realized he was here.

"We can come up with codewords for things and communicate with you to make it easier. Of course you've Snape and Dumbeldore there as well." George tells me.

THe meeting goes on as we try to figure out the necklace was and how to determine who we should try to add. As much as Molly was against bringing in the children even she agreed it would be better to give them a fighting chance.


As another Autumn had come I finally see Draco. He looks thinner and has bags under his eyes. His eyes didn't sparkle in the same way they usually did as he stood searching the platform. Once his eyes landed on me he smiles and I run into his arms.

Spearmint takes over my nostrils and I welcome it. It felt amazing to have him here with me. Suddenly I feel another hand patting my back. I feel Draco tense up and spin around to face Lucius and Narcissa.

"Hello, Ms. Sparks. We've missed you the past couple years." Lucius says to me. He looks worse than Draco if that's possible.

"Ah, my apologies sir. My family thought it to be a good idea for me to travel and see some of the world during breaks." I say, going up with the cover story.

"Please do drop by. I miss my daughter." narcissa tells me.

I give her a hug and shake Lucius' hand as I feel Draco take it and lead me onto the train. Embraced from behind I smile and put my hands over the ones on my waist.

"Someone's looks amazing." the voice coos in my ear.

"Thanks, Pans. Can I have my girlfriend back now?" Draco tells her pulling me back to his side.

"I'm not sure.. Amber can he have his girlfriend back now?" she teases.

"I mean.. he can have me anytime. He just needs to say the word." I say as Pansy lets me go.

Good girl.

I blush. I'd let down my guard and he was able to get in. I'd finally mastered Occumelancy at the end of last year, for the most part.

We take our seats and Draco has his arm on the back of the seat.

"Did you ever talk to Ginny?" Draco asks.

I hadn't. Not in detail. She told me to keep the necklace and hasn't brought it up since. Every chance I did she'd change the subject.

"I think she's over it." I tell him.

"I doubt it." Pansy says.

I shoot her a look and she grins. She knew Draco got jealous sometimes and liked to tease him about it. He tightened his arm around me laying a kiss on my temple.

At the Great Feast it was announced that Snape would be our new DADA teacher. I beamed up at him with the biggest smile. I knew that was the position he'd really wanted. I caught his eye and saw a tug at the corner of his mouth.

Professor Slughorn had come out of retirement to teach Potions. He seemed kind, but a little off. I couldn't explain it if I tried. The rest of my meal I couldn't help but stare at Draco. He was so handsome but I really wanted to get him alone to ask what had happened.

Why the long face, Sparks?



The next day, I didn't have to look for Draco as he was standing in the common room waiting for me. He greeted me with a gentle wave as I bound down the steps tackling him onto the couch.

"Sparks, I'd take you right here but I need to talk to the DA." he whispers in my ear. I feel the shivers down my spine as I pull myself off of him. I offer my hand to help him up and he gives me a seductive smile.

"Potter, I need a word. With both of you." Draco pulls me into a corner, followed by Harry.

"He gave me a task this year. I haven't told Snape, yet." Draco says.

"What is it?" I ask grabbing his arm. I looked up into his eyes with worry.

"He wants me to repair a cabinet." Draco tells us.

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