Quick first year

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My beloved Amber,

Gryffindor is a wonderful house to be placed in. Your father and I couldn't be prouder. We hear your classes are going well. Your potions teacher is a dear friend of your father. To answer your question, yes. The Malfoys are friends of ours and you may not remember them. I can't answer all your questions in a letter but when you return for the holidays we will discuss it further. Hope all is well.


I had decided to write my mother about the experience with Draco Malfoy. How could I not? I couldn't wait for the holidays in a couple weeks to see my family. A few months had gone by since the start of school and I was doing well. In my free time I would study with Hermione or play with the twins. Draco hadn't spoken much to me after that encounter. When I did see him he would be arguing with Harry and Ron. His friends seemed rotten as well, constantly picking on innocent people.

Sooner than I had known Christmas holiday had  come. I walked through my door and was greeted by my dog. She was always there for me growing up and for some reason was the only "friend" I remembered.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted from our entryway.

"In the kitchen, love!" she shouted back.

I took off my shoes and made my way to our kitchen. It smelled delightful. My mom always cooked and baked for the holidays. The house smelled like a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies as I embraced my mom in a hug.

"Amber, how is school?" my dad asked coming and giving me a hug, too.

"It's great, Daddy."I said.

"Mom, Dad, it's really been bothering me. How do we know the Malfoys?" I asked them.

Both of my parents looked at me, then each other. They returned to looking at me and sighed.

"We knew this day would come Marshall."My mother had said.

I sat down with my mom at the table and she gave me cookies and a glass of milk. I felt like this was going to be bad.

"honey, what do you know of Draco?" my dad asked.

"Well, he's a bully at school to my friends. We've only spoken once when he asked if I knew who he was and said his dad's name was Lucius." I explained.

"Well this is going to be alot for you to digest. I can't explain everything now, I don't think you'd understand. However, when I was younger... I made some not so good choices. I went along with my friends in slytherin with what they said. I never questioned anything. After the war, I met your mother. You know the details from there so I will spare you. Lucius and I kept in contact. He also works in the minstry with me. We used to go for dinners weekly and you and Draco would play together." my dad said to me.

"Why can't I remember this?" I asked.

"You were very young." my mother said queitly.

It still didn't make sense. Why wouldn't they tell me? There had to be something misssing. Draco acted like he's been my best friend for years.

"He acts like he's known me very well for a long time." I said.

"We trust you to make your own choices, honey. If you want to be friends with him you can. If you don't want to that's fine too. Don't go looking for conflict, please." My dad asked of me.

After that conversation the holidays came and went. There wasn't anymore conversations about the Malfoys. My friends had exchanged presents via owl and I got many gifts from my friends. My favorite gift was a sweater from Mrs. Weasley. It was hand knit and had an A on the front. It was special. My parents had gotten me some books and candy to bring back to my friends.

The spring months came and went by in a whirlwind. Nothing exciting happened really. Towards the end of the year I heard news of our quivering DADA teacher. Apparently the stutter was an act and Harry had fought Voldemort. Hermione and Ron were with him up until the end. Once his safety was confirmed he was celebrated by everyone other than the Slytherins.

Over summer vacation we recived notice that Gilderoy Lockhart would be teaching at our school this year. He had wanted us to get a stack of books written by him. It was strange. My mom acted like she loved him. We found out that he was doing a live signing in the bookstore so as a family we went. I think my dad was jealous but he wouldn't admit it. He loved my mom dearly and sighed as we walked into the book store.

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