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They knew. The prophet confirmed. Vodelmort is back. Fudge had made a public announcement of apology and reinstated Dumbledore and removed Umbridge from the post. He was made aware of her teaching methods by a  reliable source.

There had been a few deaths.  Antonin Dolohov. Sarah Parkinson. Alana Crouch. Even though they were death eaters,my heart hurt for Pansy. Her aunt was murdered. Someone casted the killing spell they said and it shot at the three who were chasing down Neville and Luna.

The twins shop was doing well. We wrote often and they offered me to come visit during the vacation. I didn't mind and am planning on going to assist them at some point.

I haven't heard from Draco and Imiss him something terrible. We had a good shag in his room before departing for the summer.
I was staying at Grimmauld place once again for summer. Remus, Sirius, and Tonks were all discussing what Voldemorts next movements would be. They think they've found a pattern of sorts.

Theres a knock at the door and wands have been drawn. It was impossible for that to happen unless you knew where to look for the safehouse.

Mad Eye walked to the door followed by Bill and Charlie. He gave them the  hand signal. 1, 2, 3.... and he opened the door and they immediately grab the person shoving him to the ground.

The man was filthy. His hair was thin hanging down past his shoulders. He looked like he hadn't eaten in months.

They push him to the ground.

"Who are  you?" Mad Eye demands.

He chuckles.

"I might ask what you lot are doing in MY house." he retorts.

The Weasley men look confused. Sirius comes in and the man lifts his head.

"Hello, Sirius."


Sirius Black had his name cleared by the event at the Ministry . They supplied him with money and some vouchers to a muggle tailor shop to get himself back into society as a respected member. He had gotten a haircut and often wore his hair slicked to the side.

His piercing blue eyes meet a similar pair.

"Regulus" he breaths out. Sirius drops to his knees.

Charlie looks up at Mad Eye who gives him the signal to let him go. They comply and Regulus stands brushing himself off.

"Why're you here? I thought.. I thought..." Sirius cried out as he embraced his brother.

"We have a lot to catch up on. I assume this is your Order than?"he asks gesturing around the room.

"Some. Not all. Kids upstairs, now." Molly orders.

Ron, Ginny, and Hermione are ushered upstairs as Harry and I walk into the dining room with the crowd.

"There's alot to discuss. I figure I'll start by telling you Dumbledore found me, almost dead." he explains.

He went on to tell us he'd found something that he assumed would assist in the killing of Vodelmort. He'd been a Death Eater on a mission and had fallen in love with a Muggle woman. As a self-punishment he tried to obtain the item. He'd taken Kretcher but sent him back one it had gotten dangerous. He was lying still, barely breathing when the older wizard had found him.

"Our little Amber here had suggested the Dark Lord may be looking for something." Remus tells Regulus..

We hear a knock on the door. Dumbeldore had come to take Harry somewhere and told us to resume our meeting.

"In the midst of everything I should tell you. Draco will be on my side through it all. I may have to make... difficult choices but please don't doubt my loyalties." Itell them. Better telling them now than having them think I'd betrayed them.

"This has been alot of information. Regulus how about you go bathe and I'll start dinner."Molly suggests.

We all agree to a break and get some air. Ginny had offered to help Regulus with his hair and Sirius gave him fresh clothing to wear. He looked much better than when he had stumbled in.


I was looking at the family tree again. For some reason it intrigued me.

"Ah, you're his daughter. Aren't you?" someone said from behind me.

I spin around to find Regulus coming up the stairs. He leans against the wall and crosses his arms over each other.

"I'm Amber Sparks."I say extending my hand.

He looks at me than down at my hand finally shaking it.

"That Pureblood training didn't go to waste I see." he tells me.

I nod. I don't know what his intentions were but I didn't feel scared. Quite opposite actually. Where Sirius was straight forward and honest, his brother was a mystery.

"You're to marry the Malfoy boy?" he asks.

I nod again. Before Ican say anything Serverus Snape climbs the steps behind and pulls us into the nearby room.

"Amber.. your parents send thier wishes. Draco gave me this note for you." he hands me the piece of paper.

I open it and read:

I'm okay. I miss you. Stay Safe.

Forever Yours.

"Well that's short and sweet." I say. I missed him and started feeling a bit bitter. It'd been awhile since I was able to have physical contact with him and I had a lot of free time.

"Ms. Sparks, what side do you play on?" Regulus asks, inching closer.

I side eye Snape and he sighs. Detecting I was uncomfortable he pulls Regulus back.

"The same as you and I. She's very much like her father." Snape tells him.

"Ah, your father. Very much our friend, once upon a time." Regulus tells me.

I listen to the two men discuss that Voldemort had been seraching for Regulus for a period of time. Word had gotten back that he was behind the scenes trying to destroy him and it hadn't gone over well.

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