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When I walked in I saw Ron and Hermione. They were watching Harry up on the balcony with Lockhart. He was gushing over Harry, who looked uncomfortable to the crowd. I snuck up and embraced Ron and Hermione in a hug.

"Blimey Amber! You scared me half to death!" Ron said.

"How was the summer for you two?" I asked.

"Wonderful, I've already gotten a head start on the school work for this year!"Hermione exlaimed.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. That was just like her. I waved goodbye and sent my regards to the twins and Harry as my parents called for me to come back.

"Amber, you remember Mr. Malfoy and his son Draco." my mom said to me as I approached.

I nodded and extended my hand for the two. Lucius took my hand and shook it firmly while Draco kissed the back of my hand. He took a bow and snuck me a wink. The gesture caused me to blush.

"We were thinking of having Mr. Lockhart over for dinner sometime. Your family should join us before the kids go back to school." Lucius invited us.

"That would be lovely." My mother said, "I'm going to purchase these books. I'll be back." She headed over to Mr. Lockhart to sign my books and I rolled my eyes.

"Looks like your mom has a bit of a crush."Draco whispered to me.

"I think all of the women here do." I said giggling.

While our fathers talked about Ministry work my Mother had come back cheeks blushing. Our father excused us and Draco winked at me as we walked away. I didn't understand how he was so friendly but decided not to ask questions.

"Honey, are those friends of yours?" My father asked me.

Pulled from my thoughts as I looked up I saw the twins waving to me. A smile instantly came on my face and I nodded. I grabbed my parents hands and pulled them to the twins.

"George, Fred, these are my parents. Parents these are George and Fred. The boys that I hang out with sometimes." I explained.

"Ah, these must be the boys keeping little Amber on her toes." My dad said.

Suddenly a plump woman with red hair came up behind the twins. She grabbed them by their ears and scolded them. Looking up she noticed our family and blushed. My mom giggled and introduced us.

"I'm Molly Weasley. Please excuse my boys behavior."She said looking embarassed.

"If anything I believe my daughter here initates some of the jokes the boys pull." my dad said laughing.

"Mrs. Weasley! This is so exciting! Thank you so much for the sweater last Christmas!!! It's one of my favorites!"I gushed.

"It's true. She constantly wears it, Mum."George said.

"Call me Molly, dear. I'm happy you like it."she said beaming.

We parted our ways and headed home. My dad informed me he saw Mr. Weasley sometimes at work. He told me that the Malfoys weren't very fond of the Weasleys. I thought that to be odd because both families seemed to be wonderful. Little did I know hta tthere was more to the story than that.


A couple days later we got the letter from Lucius inviting us to dinner that evening with Mr. Lockhart. I dreaded seeing my mom gush over hiim as much as my dad but we played along and got dressed formally.

"Welcome to our home!! Amber honey you've grown so much!"Mrs. Malfoy said embracing me into a hug. I returned it and she led us into the dining hall.

The men excused themselves to Lucius' office to discuss buisness while the women went to the kitchen to drink wine and gossip. Draco and I sat together at the table in an awkward silence.

"So, are you trying out for Quidditch this year?"I asked him trying to break the silence.

"Yeah and I'll be a far better seeker than that damn Potter." Draco said defensivly.

"The boy has a natural talent. You have to give him that." I said, not wanting in the middle of thier drama.

"Talent? Don't make me laugh. That filthy half blood doesn't stand a chance against me." Draco said.

Inside my heart ached at that. Every time the Purebloods would say something about someone's blood line. Frankly, I think Hermione would beat Draco in almost anything academically.

"Well, I hope you make the team then." I said.

We sat for awhile with out further conversation as we waited for our parents. How was I ever close to Draco? Did my parents share the same values as his family? No, they couldn't. Why would they instill the kindness and light inside of me?

Mrs. Malfoy and Sparks watched the children from the kitchen. They wanted to let the kids get to know each other better but didn't want to intervene.

"How can they sit there so quietly?Remember when they were younger and they would just play all day? It's so strange seeing them now." Narcissa said.

"Our Amber has grown to be more reserved as the years have gone on. I think once she warms up to him, they'll be fine." my mom Charolette said.

"They'll have to if this marriage is to happen when they become of age." Narcissa said.

A few rooms over our fathers had been discussing news at the ministry and reminicing on their days in Hogwarts.

"Remember when Snape was hung upside down by Potter? I wasn't his biggest fan but that was hilarious." my dad said.

"Ah, that dreadful Potter. Surprised Serverus and he were so enthralled with the idea of a mudblood." Lucius scoffed.

"Look where it landed him." my dad said sipping his whiskey.

"Good and gone. Thank our lord for that. Made quick work of them too." Lucius had said.

The men continued to discuss various topics before returning to the room where Draco and I sat silently. The tension was thick in the room. He hated my friends. I knew that, but I couldn't figure out why he was so willing to give me any time of day. Our mothers rejoined us. Lockhart never showed which I found to be strange but just wrote it off. Tomorrow we were to be back in school!

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