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"Can you guys give us a bit?" I ask Fred and Lee to leave.

They shoot a look at George and he nods running a hand this hair.

"You'd made your decision then?" He asks me. He looks scared.

The liquid courage running through me I take the seat next to him.

"George, I haven't. I do have a proposition for you." I tell him.

"This doesn't sound good, Amber." He tells me reaching for my hand.

"Well, I can't take all of the credit. A friend helped me come up with the idea," I say giggling and thinking of Ginny.

"Ginny?" he asks me.

"What? NO! Yes." I say looking down.

"Anyway, what is it?" he asks me. His hands are sweaty and he's searching my face for some give away.

"How would you feel while I figure things about a proper courting? Taking me on dates. I will also offer the same to Draco and just see how things go." I tell him.

He looks away and thinks about it.

"I'll leave you to it, then. I know it's a bit much." I tell him.

He pulls me back into the bed with him and kisses me. I return the kiss and feel the butterflies in my stomach fluttering.

"I'm okay with it." he says kissing my nose.

"You sure?" I ask him.

"Of course. It's not ideal but if I handn't waited to tell you, we wouldn't be in this perdictiment."

I give him a kiss and snuggle with him. This might be a good arrangement.


"Draco, I know how you might feel about me but... there's something we need to discuss." I start. I found him waiting for me the next morning to walk me to breakfast.

He looks at me and smirks. I had a feeling he knew a talk was coming the way he smirked at me.

"Whatever would that be, my darling Sparkles?"he asks.

"Don't call me that. It was wierd." Ilaugh. "You see, I find myself growing fonder of you but I do also have feelings for someone else."

"What are you trying to say?" he asks me.

"Would you take me on dates along with this other person until I sort this out?" I ask him.

"So you expect me to share you with another person, I assume one of the twins, until you sort your feelings out?" he clarifies.

"Well, yeah. Basically." I say.

"Fine." he tells me.

"I know it's not ideal but- wait, what?"I ask.

"Fine. I will also be seeing other people then, and as per our arrangement at the end of the day you'll be by my side anyway."Draco tells me.

I sigh. I guess my parents lieniency wasn't discussed with him. I nod and reach up and give him a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't stop him from seeing other people but I hoped he'd be okay with it truely and not go after George.


"Ginny it was so strange." I tell her.

The day of the second task had arrived and we were walking together while the twins collected bets on the results. Hermione and Ron were nowhere to be found and we were talking about my "Love" issues.

"I take it George went along. He's smitten about you. He always has been." Ginny states.

"Mhm. Draco said he'll see other people as well but thinks I'll end up with him anyway." I tell her.

"He's confident. I think that's just a Malfoy trait." she says laughing as we take our seats. George joins us and takes my hand giving me a smile.


In the end Harry placed first. They had taken a "treasure" from him which turned out to be Ron. Viktor had to rescue Hermione. Fleur was unable to complete the task so Harry couldn't leave her sister behind. Everyone got back safetly and Gryffindor decided to throw a party. I could swear these poeple looked for any reason to have a drink.

I wore a red dress that hugged my curves just right. Ginny had straightened my hair and did my make up. I felt confident as Hermione, Ginny and I joined the party. I spotted Draco hanging around Pansy and he made eye contact with me.

If looks could eat me whole, Draco did it. He looked me up and down and mouthed 'looking good.' I giggle, blushed and mouthed back a thanks as I get a drink. My tolerance has gone up so I wans't worried about anyone bothering me.

The music was going and I saw Ginny and Luna kissing over in a corner. I smiled. They were adorable together even if Luna didn't want to put a label on it. I found Hermione and danced with her for a bit and got her to drink with me. She loosened up after a few drinks and we were grinding on each other laughing nd having a good time.

"Spin the bottle!" someone yelled.

I looked at Hermioine and  she shrugs and drags me over to the circle that had formed. I didn't recognize everyone that was sitting there. Among them though the twins, Luna, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and even Harry were sitting. I take the seat next to Hermione and feel someone sit down next to me.

Turning my head I see Draco Malfoy sitting next to me. I was suprised he was going to let his hair down, so to speak. Pansy took the seat next to him shooting me a glare and I wink at her.

"SPIN, SPIN, SPIN."  a group chanted bheind us.

Luna starts the game and spins the bottle. It lands on Lee and she walks up to him grabbing either side of his face and lays one on him. The crowd cheered for them. Luna smiles at him and skips back to her seat. It was some Hufflepuff boys turn and it lands on Pansy. She looks grossed out but kisses him anyway.

The bottle took awhile to come around and finally it was my turn to spin it.

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